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An alarm goes off, jump starting me from my sleep. I hit the snooze on my clock quickly before anyone realises it went off. I look at the time, 3:32am. Good, everyone will be asleep. Even the Master. Yuck. When the World went to shit, what was left of humanity created gangs. Sadly the better gang in America was too far away from me to get to, that was until my gang had to move closer to state lines. Meaning, I could finally leave once I had some supplies ready. But I couldn't keep them in the compound. I had to hide them. We're allowed out once a day. I hid what I could in my bra as pockets got searched and believe me it's not a lot. All I had to do was find the rock everything was hid under, then I'm outta here. 

I climb out of bed as quietly as I can before pulling my black sweater over my head. I had my boots on already, I always slept in them at the compound. I pluck the batteries from my clock and stuff them in my bra. You'd be surprised how much their worth now. People will trade stuff for these. I open the small window in my cell, its hardly a room that's for damn sure. Sticking my head out, I look left and right to make sure it's clear before hauling myself onto the ledge and dropping onto the floor outside. I push the window closed and press myself against the wall. INSERT MISSION IMPOSSIBLE THEME TUNE!!! Focus Irra. I move quietly along the wall, crouching down at the corner before peering round. 


I make a run for it, I climb up the metal fence and jump off the other side. One good thing about being an ex military brat was my father made me and my sisters train like we were in the Military. A great skill to have these days. I can climb, I can hide, I can run but most of all. I can survive. I think. I really hope I can.  Running behind a tree that I recognised as I visit it everyday to hide stuff. I crouch down behind it and move a rock. In its place is a hole, I dug out and stored the things I needed to take with me. 

I pull out my backpack that I had taken from me, but stole back the second week I was here when I was on frisking duty. Opening it, I stuff everything inside, two water bottles, three days food rations and let me tell you, it aint a lot. Literally the size of a small package of beef jerky. That's it. I grab my flip knife and a small velvet box. I open it to make sure my mother's locket is still there. It is, I close the box and stuff it inside the bag. I hear one of the guard dogs start barking. I slip the bag on my back and make a run for it. There's a forest directly next to the compound. With a stream that runs straight through the middle of it. None of the scouts ever thought it was going to last as long as it has so they ignored it. But that was the perfect way to get the dogs off my trail. 

I have to get to Crescent City. It's the first place in California which is where I need to be. The gang in California treats its people like people not like cattle. Not like the Master here in Oregon. To get out of here, I need to move from Josephine to Curry. Man that's gonna take ages. And I have enough food for three days. Thank you dad for the Military training! Why I never thanked him while he was still alive I do not know and I'm still regretting. The sooner I'm out of the state the better. My plan once I get to Crescent City? To walk the length of the sea until I get to Hearst Castle. That's where the California gang is located, or so the whispers say. I need to cover as much ground as I can, as fast as I can. Why Crescent City? Well the California gang has an outpost there. I make it there I can trade my way through. Maybe the batteries for more food. 

Finally I reach the stream, the dog has stopped barking, so either it wasn't me that set it or they've found out and I'm in big trouble. I run through the stream until I see the old City Limits for Curry County! Heh we must have been closer to it than I realised. The sun is starting to rise, which means roll call will be soon and then they'll find out I'm not there. See that gang is actually rather small so any absence is noticed. 


I have no idea how long I've been walking, all I know is, it's hot and I'm exhausted. I look up at the sun, shading my eyes with my hand, early afternoon I make it. I'm in a town that's empty except some stray cats and dogs, there are houses everywhere. But that's when I hear cars. Which is never good, I duck into a middle on and close the door just in time as the cars make it into the town. I look around quickly and spot it! My hiding place! I clamber inside, contorting myself around the middle of it, I grab my backpack and pull it in with me and leave the lid open. 

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