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Two days later we arrive at a shopping mall? I look at the Destroyer

"A shopping mall?"

"A shopping mall, it's home, " He nods before looking up "OPEN THE DOORS!"

A head pokes out at us from an upper story window "WHOSE THAT WITH YOU DESTROYER?!"



The doors open with a click and I follow the Destroyer inside, we walk passed a few groups of people who look at me funny.

"Why a shopping mall?" I ask when we reach the stairs.

"It was never finished so the Prophet moved the ten of us in here and people came in drips and drabs, you'll probably be in subsection two with the Trickster and the Soul" I nod "We only have two rules here, play fair and never and I mean ever piss off or upset one of the wives, you'll see them around a lot, their really nice,"

"Now I feel like I'm reading the Twilight Saga," I laugh 

He shakes his head as we walk down a long ass corridor and he knocks on. The Mourner smiles and opens the doors. I see five women sitting talking and drinking something that looks hot due to the steam coming out from their cups. Three men are guarding the inside of the doors with stern looks on their faces and I see the Prophet talking to an older couple.

"Er boss? We need an audience without the public, code blue," The Destroyer says

The Prophet looks over and nods, before clapping his hands together and smiles at the couple "Mr and Mrs Cooper, I'll come and find you in an hour, I just have some urgent business that needs taking care of,"

The Coopers nod and leave the room before the doors are shut behind them, the Prophet turns his attention to me and I gulp.

"Code Blue you say?" he asks


Code Blue whatever that means, brings the five women from their seats and they stand beside each of the others around the room. Except one, he stands alone. The Prophet smiles at me.

"You know who we are?"

"Well you guys are Black Veil Brides, that's Ronnie Radke, Juliet Simms and Inna Pitts, I'm sorry I don't know the other three women," I say 

"That's alright, but I must ask that you not mention that you know who we are to anyone, when we came here we decided to change our names as did the public who are here too,"

"I aint going to tell anyone, learnt that the hard way," I say folding my arms "So what's this place called? The haven or something?"

"No, just home, something familiar to us all," he smiles "It's comforting," 

I nod looking around the room, Ronnie pulls the girl next to him, closer by hooking his arm around his waist. She smiles and kisses his cheek "What's the deal with the wives?"

The men surrounding the room stiffen up and the Prophet raises his hand to calm them "It's just what we call our other halves, you'll be going to subsection two, with the Trickster and the Soul,"

The girl who I assume is the Soul smiles at me brightly "The Soul can show you around,"

"Oh yay! I never get to show people around," She says clearly excited

"Hush," Ronnie nudges her

"Don't you hush me, mister big burly and covered in tattoos," She pokes him and he shakes his head smiling at her like some love struck puppy.

"Oh stop, I'm gonna hurl!" the one on his own  snaps

"Calm yourself Deviant," The Prophet smiles at him "Go on now Soul, take, I am so sorry I didn't get your name,"

"Irra, like Era but spelt with an I and two Rs,"

"Nice to meet you Irra, I'm the Prophet obviously, you guys can introduce yourselves, I get confused!" the Prophet laughs

"I'm the Bride," Juliet smiles

"The Mourner, nice to meetcha!" says Jake "This is the Wife," he nods to Inna

"I'm the Mystic," Jinxx nods

"I'm the Heart," the girl next to him smiles shyly

Ashley nods at me "Deviant,"

"You already know me! I'm the Destroyer and this is my girl the Lover," the Destroyer grins and the Lover smiles shaking her head

"I'm the Soul, and this is the Trickster," the Soul introduced and Ronnie nodded

"Soul, you can take Irra and get her settled in,"

The Soul walks to me and bows to the Prophet "Yes your Prophetness!"

She laughs and we leave the room "Is bowing compulsory?"

"Nah, it's just for a laugh, so Irra, welcome home!" She leads me down the stairs two the second floor "This is subsection two, all in all there's 161 of us here, there's eleven of us, a hundred public and fifty kids," I nod for her to continue "Now there's five floors, and each couple is in charge of twenty adults and ten kids, so imagine their all couples with one child per couple, and each floor is looked after by one of the leaders, this floor is looked after by the Trickster and I, we're a big family and the only time really you need to be here is at nine am, twelve noon, three pm, six pm and nine pm for role call,"

"Five role calls?"

She nods "So we know where everyone is, if there's someone missing we send a group to find them, sometimes people will forget where they're supposed to be but that's alright," 

"It's safe right?" I look at her

"Very safe, we only do business with the Arizona gang, where are you from?"


"Ah, is it true you get treated like animals?"

I nod "Yup, pretty much,"

The Trickster appears from nowhere, making me jump and the Soul beam. He smiles at me and steals a kiss from her.

"Role call in ten minutes babe," He says to her

"Alright, time to meet everyone Irra!" the Soul smiles at me.

I nod slightly nervous, they seem nice so maybe I'll be safe here. I wonder what I have to do to become a wife, not that I want to but they do seem more protected by being one. I must remember to ask the Soul when I can. 

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