Chapter 15

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We had all left the park and i went back to Joel's house. Because we had school the next day we went to sleep early. As Joel slept next to me i stared at the pictures on the wall, thinking how far we have come and how much we will grow. 

                                                                        >> Time skip to the morning <<

Joel: Liz? lizzZz?

Lizzie: Huh?

Joel: Come on we're going to be late for school!

Lizzie: Oh shit! hold on!!!

I ran to the bathroom brushed my hair, put my clothes on. Brushed my teeth while slapping random bits of makeup on. Finally ready!

Joel: You look beautiful 

Lizzie: *blushes* thanks *laughs*

We then legged it to school.

                                                                           >> At school <<

Yammy, Oli, callum and now Jemma were waiting at the table in the hall.

Lizzie: Jemma!!?!?

Jemma: Hey liz! i decided to transfer to this school!

Yammy: yeet yeet YEEEEEEEET

We all slapped the table laughing from Yammy's randomness. Yammy messaged me last night and said she wanted to talk to me. 

Yammy: *whispers to lizzie* Can we talk in the bathroom please?

Lizzie: *whispers* yeah sure..

Lizzie: Me and Yammy are going to the toilet brb!

Joel: Ok

Oli: Cya later alligator 

Yammy: In a while crocodile *giggles*

We rushed of to the bathrooms yammy clutching my hand.

Yammy: Lizzie! LIZZIE LIZZIE!!!

Lizzie: Sheesh *laughs* what is it?

Yammy: so you know..

She started to look worried.

Yammy: You know i have a boyfriend? Kyle?

Lizzie: Yeah and?

Yammy: Lizzie...

Lizzie: ..?

Yammy: I think im pregnant.

My heart sunk, she fell into my arms crying in to my shirt. I stroked her head and sat down next to her.

Lizzie: Yammy...I'm always here for you...forever and always. 

Just to impress her..| Jizzie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now