Chapter 16

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FIRST OF ALL! So you guys are absolutely amazing chapter 1 has reached 35 reads! and....... THIS BOOK HAS REACHED 250 READS! thank you all so friggin much. love you xox -Shainey 

I was shocked, i bought yammy back to the table she had said Kyle was telling Joel so i wouldn't say it out loud by accident when around him. The day was going pretty normal..until

Oli: What do you want!

Scott: Can i talk to lizzie...please?

Scott...? I remember that name but where? 


they kicked my in the shin and I winced in pain

???: Hey loser! watch it

Lizzie: ow ow sorry

???: You should be idiot


Scott: Why do you care Nat?

I opened my mouth in shock. Scott. That idiot that messed my shin up on my first day! And nat did nothing but run away!

Lizzie: What do you want

Scott: me please...

Lizzie: FINE!

I walked towards scott and we walked behind the corner.

Lizzie: What is it!

Scott: so so so sorry

Lizzie: You should be...

Scott: Liz can you please forgive me?

Lizzie: fineee..but what made you apologise?

Scott: I realised who you were and how you were friends with Joel....and i felt really bad....

Lizzie: Joel? What do you have to do with Joel?

Scott: we used to be friends back in primary..

Lizzie: Oh okay...just please don't turn into a jerk again

Scott: Deal! Omg! james charles uploaded new video gtg bye liz! *waves hands up and down like an excited girl*

That was probably the most gay thing i've ever seen scott do. I giggled and he ran off. I went back to the table with a big smile on my face.

Joel: You okay liz?

Lizzie: Better than ever

Jemma: Hey oli pop?

Oli: yeah *nervous laugh*

I could tell he was embarrassed from the name jemma gave him, we all laughed a bit.

Jemma: Oops forgot that we don't call you that in public...hehe

We all burst into tears of laughter.

Lizzie: Hey oli pop jk jk 

Jemma: anyways *giggles* you up for filming that video later?

Oli: Yup!

Everyone looked confused, i butted in

Lizzie: As in? Youtube video?

Oli: Yeah!!

my eyes lit up.

Lizzie: Omg whats your name on it I'll sub!

Everyone went into a discussion about Youtube. I guess i have more friends to collab with!

Just to impress her..| Jizzie FanficWhere stories live. Discover now