Being a Friend

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The microwave beeped and the promise of a warm bowl of popcorn awaited John. He had the movie he was gonna watch, Ghostbusters, already in the DVD player and ready to be played. He checked his watch. It was 11 and he was ready to get movie night started.

John got the bowl of buttery goodness out of the microwave and sat on his couch, hitting play on the remote. As the intro commercials went by, John heard a knock at the door. He got up to go open it and was surprised to see Roxy standing there, holding an empty bottle of Vodka.

"Hey Johnny boy. Can I crash here for the night?"

"Of course you can. Come on inside. What happened?"

Roxy shrugged and then giggled, "I might've had a bit too much to drink."

"When do you not," John replied, "Come on inside. I was about to watch Ghostbusters."

Roxy came inside and plopped herself down on the couch. From there, she spotted the bowl. "Popcorn!"

"Help yourself," John said, sitting down next to her.

Roxy grabbed the bowl and began munching on the popcorn. She eyed John and gave him a playful wink. John looked away from her, slightly embarrassed and turned his attention to the movie.

The movie played until it ended and John looked over at Roxy who was asleep. John couldn't help but admire how cute she looked while she slept. He decided to the gentlemanly thing and picked her up, taking her to his room.

Deciding as she was his guest, he let her take his bed and tucked her in. Roxy moved around a bit in her sleep as he put the covers over her but soon snuggled up to a nearby pillow. John left the room and laid on the couch to sleep. He drifted off with thoughts of helping Roxy with the inevitable hangover in the morning.

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