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Roxy awoke to a massive headache. She got up and looked around, taking in her surroundings. She was in a room and was sitting on a bed. She got up off the bed and walked out if the bedroom and into the living room. There, she saw John sleeping on the couch.

She flashed a quick smile. She must've been drinking and spent the night at John's. Guess she'd have to thank him some how. Roxy bent over and planted a kiss on John's cheek, causing him to stir in his sleep. Roxy went to the kitchen and put on some coffee in the attempt to combat her hangover.

She poured herself a cup and took a sip when she heard, "Roxy, did you just kiss me?"

She looked over at the couch and saw John rubbing his eyes. "Maybe," she replied, "how else would I thank you for being such a gentleman?"

John's face was red, "oh, I was just being a good friend."

Roxy smirked. Seems like John might have a crush on her. Guess this might be fun. "So John, want some coffee?"

"Uhhh, sure."

Roxy poured John a cup and walked over to him. As she gave him his cup, she gave him a quick wink and sat down next to him. "So Johnny boy, how ya doing?"

"Alright I guess."

Roxy scooted a bit closer to John. "Really? I guess I'm doing alright to. Although I got a terrible headache. Hey John, could it's a little cold. Can I snuggle up with you a bit?"

Before John could respond, Roxy put her coffee down and hugged John's arm, snuggling up to him. Blush covered John's face as he felt her nuzzle his cheek. He blushed even more when he felt her lips press against his cheek.

"Well John," Roxy said, getting up, "it's been fun but I gotta get home."

John nodded as Roxy exited his house. Roxy was unsure about whether or not she should do this to John. Oh well, she shrugged, too late now.

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