Outside (angst)

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It had been six months since Tom has seen Y/N, and he was anxious to finally see her again, phone calls, texts and blurry skype conversations were becoming few and far between, the time difference kept changing from the stops he made on this press tour, and it had become increasingly difficult to keep up with as the days went on.

He tried to visit as much as possible, but Tom had no control over his schedule. His own family hadn't seen him in a lifetime it seemed. Obviously his best friend was with him to keep him grounded, but it wasn't the same as being with his parents, or brothers, or his girlfriend.

A lot had seemed to change in his life. Y/N had become less involved in all of his decisions, more people were mobbing him in airports and his hotel, which at times he didn't mind much, he liked the fans. He was the one who wanted to be famous after all, he was the one who was living his dream to play Spider-Man, these were the consequences.

It was almost as if she resented Tom, not for following his dream, but leaving her behind. Tom hadn't even asked her to come with him to America. She wasn't sure what she had did wrong to make Tom not want her to join him, they'd tried the long-distance thing before, and it almost ruined them. Sometimes Y/N thought that Tom didn't want her to come with him, because they knew that if she did, their relationship would have had a chance. She thought that maybe Tom didn't want to be with her anymore, but didn't know how to tell her and this was the easiest way to do it.

The only reason they worked it all out the first time was because she was the only one that really understood Tom. He couldn't handle losing the only person who could talk sense into him, everyone that knew him agreed that he was the most stubborn person they'd ever met.

Y/N sat at the arrival gate at Heathrow Airport at five o'clock Tuesday evening. She constantly checked the watch on her wrist to make sure the clock in the airport hadn't stopped. She missed Tom, a lot actually, he'd been so busy that she'd just try and leave him alone. Y/N had found that when Tom was stressed out, he had a short temper, and he would take it out on her, and as much as he apologized for it, it started to wear on her.

People started to file out of the terminal and Y/N stood up to try and find Tom in the crowd. His curls poked up from the sea of people, he was jumping to try and see her. His eyes met hers for a second and a weight was immediately lifted off of his shoulders. He basically ran to where she stood, a weak smile on her face.

"Y/N, darling, I missed you so much." He took her in his arms and pulled her against his chest tightly. He kissed the top of her head softly and she stood there with her arms around Tom. He smelled different than he used to, his clothes were nicer than they used to be, and he was wearing sunglasses, Tom never used to wear sunglasses.

"Let's go, Tom, people are starting to take notice that you're here." She said, seeing people around them whispering to each other and taking pictures of her and Tom, it was something that she wasn't quite used to, seeing as they'd spent all but two weeks together in the last year.

"I don't care, let them talk or whatever, I haven't seen you in months." He said pulling back from the hug to take her face in his hands and press a soft kiss to her forehead. She heard people screaming around them and felt uneasy.

"Tom, please can we just go? We're meeting my sister for dinner in an hour." She pulled away and whispered, she was starting to get uncomfortable and tried her best to get Tom to understand, but with his newfound fame, he didn't understand much about others anymore.

"Okay, yeah, let's go." He said, picking up his bag from the floor and taking her hand in his. As they walked to the car, Tom found that Y/N's hand was slipping from his, it didn't fit like it used to. He noticed that her face was thinner than before, and she looked tired, more than normal, like she hadn't been sleeping again. Her lips were stuck in the same weak smile whenever she looked at Tom, like it tired her out to miss him. She cut her hair too, he wasn't sure when that happened, but he knew it was shorter than before.

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