2 am Tea (angst + fluff)

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It was two in the morning when the buzzer of your apartment woke you up. You rubbed your eyes and trudged yourself to the front door. You crossed your arms over your chest, keeping your robe closed as your teeth chattered at the cold night breeze coming from your kitchen window.

"Who the fuck is it?" You asked angrily, your voice hoarse and full of sleep as you held down the intercom button. There was a sniffle at the other end before a familiar voice spoke.

"It's Tom..." His voice trailed off and you could tell there was something wrong. Usually he was chipper and happy—even in the middle of the night—but there was a somber tone in his voice.

"Come on up, Tommy." You spoke softly, buzzing your best friend of four years into the building. You took your hair out of its messy bun and tousled your hair a bit before leaving to door ajar.

While you waited for Tom, you walked to the kitchen to make the both of you a cup of tea. You took a deep breath as you filled the kettle, your mind wandering at why Tom was here in the middle of the night.

"Hey." Tom called out as he shut the door behind him. He slid the coat off of his shoulders, placing the heavy, heathered grey, tweed coat on the rack next to the door. You emerged from the kitchen with a smile on your face only for it to fade as soon as you say the state Tom was in.

There he stood, his clothes stretched and dirty, his hair a tossed mess as he ran his fingers through it again. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was red and blotchy, and his lip quivered as he met your eyes.

You weren't sure what to say, and all you did was pull him in for a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck. Tom buried his head in your shoulder and silently cried. You held his quaking body in silence while he practically folded into you, as if trying to hide from the pain of the world with the help of your warmth.

"She said no." He whispered against your clothed shoulder. You let out a gasp, you thought for sure she was going to say yes; you thought for sure you were too late to say anything about your feelings for Tom; you thought for sure she was going to have the life you could only dream of.

"I'm so sorry, Tommy. Go sit down, I'll finish making the tea. Want biscuits?" You asked him, pulling away from the hug reluctantly. Tom nodded his head, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah, please." He said, his voice strained and weak. You couldn't help but feel angry at his now ex-girlfriend, you weren't even able to fathom how someone could break Tom like that.

As you poured the tea from the pot into the two mugs, you felt a tear escape your eye. You could only feel awful for Tom, you knew he loved her more than anything, that's what hurt you the most. She had everything anyone could ask for, she had everything you asked for, and she threw it all away.

Walking back into the living room, you carried the two mugs of tea and a bin of cookies under your arm. Tom turned his head to look over at you, forcing a smile as you rounded the end of the couch to sit next to him. He thankfully took the tea that was left outstretched toward him, you smiled at him sympathetically and sat down beside him.

"So what happened?" You asked gingerly, not wanting to press to hard, but you knew Tom, he was your best friend, he had to talk about it in order for the problem to go away. He was always one to internalize his anger, but he knew it wasn't healthy for him. Tom sighed a bit after taking a drink of his hot tea.

"We went out to dinner, we went back to mine and we were talking and sitting on the couch, and I asked her." Tom paused and set down the mug before reaching into his pocket to pull out the velvet box, the dreaded ring. "I was a fucking idiot and got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. And she said no, she said that she can't marry someone she doesn't love. Fuck!" Tom yelled, throwing the ring across the room. As the box slammed against the wall, you winced at the sound, remembering the moment Tom had picked it out with you.

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