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Carys: yo loser. What's up?

Shawn: one, not a loser lmao. I'm a skinny legend and two leaving the gym.

Carys: skinny legend? Not even gonna ask.

Shawn: probably a good thing. Lol.

Carys: I've realized something.

Shawn: go on

Carys: we don't know a lot about each other.

Shawn: okay. Ask questions and I'll answer them. Well we both ask and answer.

Carys: siblings?

Shawn: just a lil sister, she's 14. Her name is Aaliyah.

Carys: older sister, she's 23. Her name is Lacey.

Shawn: awww. Hmmm hobby?

Carys: reading, and little adventurous walks.

Shawn: singing, playing guitar and piano, and writing, whether it just be in my journal or lyrics.

Carys: awww that's cute. Birthday?

Shawn: August 8

Carys: December 3

Shawn: instrument?

Carys: harp


Carys: lol of course. Can I ask you a question? It's kinda personal though. I don't want to burst your bubble though. Yah know?

Shawn: go ahead ask as many as you want.

Carys: weren't you like popular in school?

Shawn: ahhhaaa, despite being popular online at the time, no, the older kids would tease me about singing and tease me like asking me to sing for them. So no, I was not in by all means popular in school. Funny thing is now they're the ones trying to contact me.

Carys: awww :(. Your song In My Blood, I don't get it. How do you have such specific lyrics?

Shawn: Care, the specific lyrics like laying on the bathroom floor and blah blah blah are so specific because it actually happened to me. It's a memory. Or even the have a drink and you'll feel better part was just references to my past and my actions. My feelings. It's all about my struggles of overcoming anxiety and depression.

Carys: ohh. Dang. This makes me feel even worse.

Shawn: baby don't feel bad. I'm fine. I'm alive. You made a mistake. So what? Everyone does.

Carys: is it bad I cry every other week?

Shawn: kinda random lol but nah. For about 2-3 years I'd break down and cry to myself once a week. You're all good. It's good to let your emotions out.

Carys: thank you for always being there for me. ❤️

Shawn: you're welcome. I gotta go. Work calls 🙄 but I'll ttyl. ❤️

Carys: ttyl

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