As empty as an Ocean

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Gray POV

*The next day*

I walked over to Lucy.I needed to apoligize for what happened yesterday.And this is my chance to finally-


I tuened around seeing who called for me,it was Juvia."Oh hey Juvia,whats up"."Juvia was so worried about you Gray-Sama.Its as empty as an ocean without you in the guild".


After that i wanted to leave but suddenly Juvia gave me a bone crushing hug.I kinda didnt mind.

"I have to go Juvia"0_0

I got out her tigt Grip and headed to Lucy.

Juvia POV

He headed to Lucy,who was talking to Levy.Juvia believes he has feelings for her.Juvia needs to talk to Lucy,Juvia knows she likes Natsu-san,Juvia needs her help to try to get Gray to believe Lucy likes Natsu,And Juvia likes Gray-sama

Lucy POV

"HEY LUCY".I saw Gray running to me,I remembered what he did yesterday,i was kinda mad at him,i needed to know why he did that.

"Yes,Gray"."Can we,um,talk".I stood up and headed to the doors of Fairy Tail."What do you want to talk about,Gray"

"I wanted to apoligize".I listened

"Im really sorry about yesterday,i shouldnt have um kissed you but i just wanted to say that-"

"HEY LUCE LETS GO ON A JOB,WE PICKED IT ALREADY,LETS GO".Natsu suddenly pulled me away from Gray.I waved goodbye to him and we left for the Job.

Natsu POV

I need to tell Lucy something,seeing Ice freak talk to her pisse me of,so i just pulled her away to go on a job.

But befor we left i gave him a death glare,and mouthed "You lose"


Well Natsu sure does get jelouse

Well i have questions....

1.Who do you think will win Lucy?

2.Should thw next chapter be a GrayLu or NaLu moment?

3.Should i continue the story?

Thats all minna,Sayonara

Fairy Tail:Lost(graylu vs.NaLu fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now