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Chapter Playlist:
~ Love Me Again by John Newman
~ Good Times by All Time Low


When Ned finally showed up, May had gone to the store for more milk. Aunt May really loves milk, and Elliana is packing for D.C. tomorrow.

"Peter what happened with you coming in as-" Ned was saying, but he stopped as he saw Elli, "-as, um. As Luke Skywalker! At"

Elli looks at me questioningly, I nod signaling that he knows I'm Spider-Man.

"Ned, I know." She says chuckling a little.

"Know, what?" He hesitates and squints his eyes.

"Ned, she knows," I say to him.

"Oh... isn't it so cool!" He says jumping up and down.

"Very!" Elli screeched as she joins him.

"Our best friend is a superhero!" Ned says, walking into my room.

Elliana glances at me as he says this, but she smiles in response. I half smile, now that she knows, it's going to be hard to keep her away from all this. She's going to want to help all the time, but I don't want her to get involved, she can get hurt... or killed.

"So why is Ned here? Is there something going on?" She asked looking interested.

I sighed, "I don't want to lie anymore, so yes there is. But, I don't want you to get involved in this because it could be dangerous."

"Yeah, could be. That's why you're going to need my help!" She said smiling.

"I'm here for that..." Ned says peeking out of the door.

"Shut up, Ned!" She said playfully, making Ned go back into my room.

"We don't know what this is, and if it is dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt." I said stepping closer to her.

"You could get hurt too, don't treat me like a damsel in distress. You called me smart like two hours ago! If I can help, then I will." she said pouting.

How could I not give-in to that face... "Fine, but you're not helping me fight."

"Obviously, I leave that to my big, strong man." She said as she touched my arm and walked into my room.

"Yes." I said under my breath.

She walked back out, "I was just kidding, and that's sexist."

I smiled as she walked back into my room, I followed as I shook my head.

"Elli, 1. Spider Man 0." Ned said while giving her a high five.


From what I heard in the living room, something had to have happened after they both disappeared from the party. Something Elliana said, sounded like a reference to an inside joke that they had. Possibly from earlier? Oh well. When all of us were in the room together, I could tell there was a sudden closeness between them. We stared at Peter as he set this glowy thing on the desk, but before anyone could talk, Elliana jumped up and into the restroom. Quickly after she closed the door, I rolled up to Peter in the chair and waited for him to spill his guts about tonight.

He looked at me confused, so I sighed, "So, what happened?"

He got excited, "Oh Ned, it was amazing! Of course the Evan part wasn't... but it was at the same time. She started to have anxiety attack, but she wouldn't let me near her. Soooo, I had to change into Spider-Man and help her as him. But, then she tried to take off my mask and kiss me, but that was just caused by that jerk Evan lacing her drink."

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