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harry's POV

it was about a week after the war, I've been staying at the burrow with the Weasley's, and Hermione. It was around 8:30 in the morning and I was laying awake in my room thinking. For once I wasn't thinking about the war, but how I left things off with Ginny. Breaking up with her was the hardest thing I've done since... well. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Another thing that kept going through my head was.. Was she thinking about me? Probably not. She probably wants nothing to do with me. Ugh I'm such an idiot. I'd lost an amazing girl because I thought it would keep her safe even though it was mostly for my benefit. I needed to make sure she was safe if I had.. died. I couldn't bare the thought of loosing the love of my life. I heard a light tap on my room door, so I got out of bed to go see who it was. Hoping that it was Ginny I ran to the door and opened it, and of course, it was Hermione. "Morning 'Mione." I said in a gruff and tired voice. "Good morning Harry! How did you sleep last night!" She said in an enthusiastic voice, knowing I was still heartbroken. "I slept fine how about you? How was sharing a room with Ron? Did he kick you off the bed-" I instantly stopped myself. "I'm so sorry 'Mione I-I um..." I say in a very guilty tone. "It's okay Harry, I know your upset about Ginny, and I know you two will make up eventually and hopefully become friends." Hermione states, and pulls me into a tight embrace. I start to cry softly on her shoulder while she runs her fingers through my hair, gently.

Ginny's POV

I walk by the room Harry was sleeping in and hear 'Mione talking, but also I notice quiet sobbing. "Shhh it's okay Harry you will be okay" I hear her say. I stand at the closed door with my ear against it, listening carefully. "I'm such an idiot 'Mione, I cant believe this. It's all my fault!" I hear Harry say while sobbing. I gently knocked at the door to see what was going on. I couldn't bare seeing him like that. After I knock, I slowly open the door "hey.. umm... is everything okay you guys? I-I just.. umm" I say. "Hey Gin, everything is okay don't worry" 'Mione says while still comforting a tear streaked Harry, who wouldn't even look up at me. "Hey Harry... um.. are you alright? I.. uh-" I start "I-I'm f-fine." Harry cuts me off in a trembling voice, still refusing to look at me. I just want to hold him.. and make him feel better. It's tearing me apart seeing him like this, even if we aren't on good terms.

harry and ginny fan fiction (after the war)Where stories live. Discover now