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~time lapse to 3 months~

Harry's POV

Ron and I were in hogsmeade getting a few butterbeers, when I saw someone staring at us. It was Cho Chang! Ron noticed that she was following us around. We went into the 3 broomsticks and sat at a table to talk when Cho walked up to us. "Hey Harry! How are you doing?" She said. Ron cleared his throat, "I'm here too you know." He scolded her. "Oh hey. So Harry, do you maybe want to hang out later, you know like old times?" She asked, whilst staring them down. "He has a girlfriend so back off." Ron said while standing up, looking furious. She looked at straight at me and said, "oh really, who?" Ron still looking furious, "my sister, so like I said before, back. off." Ron says. She looks at him and rolls her eyes. All of a sudden she yanks me up by my shirt and pulls me to her lips. She starts kissing me. Ron stares, not knowing what to do, while I try and push her off of me. After about 2 minutes, I finally get her off me and look at Ron. "Thanks for the help mate, I was getting mauled by an animal and you just stood there and watched." I say. "Sorry mate I didn't know what to do, I couldn't hit her, she's a girl for Merlin's sake-" He pleads. "-just make sure Ginny doesn't find out, she'd go crazy." He added. Oh no.. Ginny! I had totally forgotten about her, what is she gonna think. Thoughts ran through my mind as we took the train home.

Ron's POV

"Harry, what are you gonna do? I mean, your crazy ex-girlfriend kissed you-" I instantly stop talking when I see Ginny staring at us. Shit. I thought to myself. "What?! You kissed Cho!! Harry how could you? I-I-" she stopped. Tears started running down her face. "Ginny I-I, I can explain!" Harry pleaded. She ran upstairs and slammed her door shut. Harry looked at me, "good going mate, thanks a lot." He said while walking upstairs to talk to his heartbroken girlfriend. Man I really messed up.

Harry's POV

I knocked on Ginny's door, "Gin can we talk? Please." I begged. "No Harry, I don't want to talk to you right now, leave me alone." She said while softly sobbing. I slid down the door and sat there. I had a feeling she was sitting at the door too. "Please?" I said. Tears started running down my face at this time. She stood up and opened the door. I rested my head on the door frame seeing as though she only opened it slightly, to show a bit of her face. "What do you want?" She said, in a shaky voice. "Please, just listen. I didn't kiss Cho, she was following Ron and I around hogsmeade. We were sitting in the 3 broomsticks and she came up to us and-" I started. "-harry.. just stop. I don't need to hear this. She's your ex-girlfriend, you loved her. So don't tell me that when you two kissed you felt absolutely nothing. Because I know that would be a lie." She said while wiping her tears. "It's not a lie, because I love you. Okay? You and only you-" "-Harry please just stop." She whispered. "I'm sorry I can't deal with this right now. I think we should break up." She said and then instantly closed the door, leaving me standing outside her room, with tears streaming down my face. I didn't know what to do.

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