Requested by bts_exo1004 :) Jungkook - Angst & Cute

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y/n's perspective

Figures surrounded me. They took a step forward each second and I always stepped back when they did so. I let out a yelp as my back hit a cold brick wall. "Please don't I.. I'll give you everything you want I swear just..", I mumbled. But I realized that it has no use as I felt their nails dig into my arms. Those red sharp fingernails left deep wounds, my blood started dripping to the floor beneath me, I cried out loud. "Beg that someone will help you y/n, thinking again of it.. you have no one!". The other figures around us laughed evil as I cried even louder and collapsed onto the floor. Then suddenly.. "Y/n you have to go to school, wake up!". I shot up and wiped the tears from my cheeks. 'Again one of those dreams but why.. why do they always seem so real?' I asked myself while dragging my body into the kitchen to join my unnie at the diner table. As she placed the food infront of me she patted my shoulder and looked at me with worry in her eyes. "Again one of those nightmares?", she asked concered. I only nodded at her and ate quietly. "I'll call the school, you shouldn't go today. You look even more miserable than you usually do. Take this day as a rest day. I'll be going for work now bye!", unnie walked out of our apartment door and waved at me smiling. I weakly waved back at her and finished my breakfast slowly. Unnie and I have been living in this apartment ever since my parents died in a car accident. We are like sisters unnie and I, and since she was older than me and had an apartment which she could already pay by herself, she accommodated me. I looked at my hands and counted the scars on my wrists. 'Many.. but not enough to let the pain go.' A tear escaped my eye as I remembered my parents. But before I could do anything else my mobile phone started to vibrate. 'The heck who would write me. I only get bullied and am called a parentless wrench.' As I looked at my phonescreen I read two names, names I totally hated. Jung Mirah and Jeon Jungkook. Mirah and I are enemies ever since my parents died, before we were close friends but as my parents were gone she always blamed me for them being dead. She saw a weak victim in me and bullied me since then. I don't really know any other reason. Reading through her text I sighed. 'Well well. Little poor girl not in school today? Tomorrow you'll get the double then! Take rest you will need it bitch.' I erased the text and looked at the other one. 'I need my homework. Where the heck are you you troll?! I'll get back at you remember that!' Again I let out a sigh but this time it was a longer one. 'Jungkook..why? Why do you hate me now?' I quietly placed the dishes in the dishwasher and went into the bathroom fixing myself. Putting on my shoes I went out of the door locking it behind me. My feet lead me into the park to the playground and I sat on one of the swings. 'I really needed the air.' A few minutes pass by and I swang a bit higher, then suddenly someone pushed me of the swing and my face hit the floor, hard. I groaned as I stumbled onto my feet and held my hand to my forehead. 'Blood oh shit', I thought. Laughs errupted near me and I looked up seeing Mirah standing there with her gang. "Nice to see you y/n' , skipping classes, eh? Ah and our oppa you know?" , I gulped hardly , "Jungkook oppa kept looking at your seat all the time. I don't know why, but he kept ignoring." She and her gang took steps towards me and I didn't wait another second and just ran. I ran until I was cornered in by her gang. I backed away from them until my back hit the brick wall behind me. I let out a yelp. "Please I.. I'll give you everything you want I swear just".. but I lost all words. 'This seems so familiar..' I snapped my head up as I felt nails dig into my arms. 'Sharp, red'.. "Stop it!", someone yelled inbetween and Mirah loosened her hands from my arms. I felt.. weak and collapsed onto the floor. "Oppa wae?!",I heard Mirah scream. "Let me finish her..", a male voice said. "'No, no. Not a boy please. It will hurt even more..' "So that's what you want? Okay get her", Mirah replied. I could feel her smirk even without looking at her. I opened my eyes and felt myself being pulled up and pinned against the wall. I stared into eyes, eyes that I knew for years already and I felt fear welling up inside of me. "Jungkook..", I faintly said and my body started trembling. He smirked,put my hands above my head and smirked even wider. I started crying his gaze was so intensive, it made me shudder and I dropped my gaze to the floor out of total fear. He turned his head and motioned the girls to leave us alone. Slowly I opened my right eye seeing Mirah getting lost with her gang. I dared myself to look at Jungkook again and opened my other eye. There I was. Staring back into my past best friends eyes, feeling more helpless than ever before.Jungkook let his fingers wander to my hands and turned them. Slowly he let his eyes examine my scars and his fingers travel through them. "Why?", he sighed. I stiffened at his voice. It was the first time I saw him acting like this towards me ever since he changed. His voice was gentle and it made my heart somehow race at an uncontrollable speed. Confused I looked at him only to find his eyes in a complete different state then they usually were. Sadness. Worry. Disappointment. Those emotions shone in his eyes and I let tears stream down my face. Tears, warm and this time full of happiness somehow. "Jungkook.. " He interrupted me. "I thought changing.. letting you feel scared of me would.. would make you see how much I love you. That I want to be more than a best friend to you. But it got overboard and I lost myself in another world, I'm sorry.. so sorry y/n.. " He leaned onto me, his face nuzzeld into my hair, his breath tickling the skin beneath it. "You're my everything y/n. I can't stand it to see you getting hurt, I don't know why but as I saw you getting bullied by Mirah and those others.. it made me realize. I was awoken by it and.. please take me back." My heart ached heavily and for once I forgot everything. All my worries, how hurt I was and am, the world around him and me. Jungkook pushed himself off me and looked at me. "I love you y/n. That's what I always wanted to tell you." I smiled at him. "You made me suffer. You were the one that hurt me the most Jungkook." His eyes shifted to the ground.. "But I love you too. I always did and that will never change". He looked up at me dumbfounded. Then smiled back at me carefully while putting his arms around me. "So your heart will never change? Can you promise me that?", he asked. I nodded eagerly at him. Our promise got sealed with a lovely kiss onto my forehead while he hugged me tightly.

Author's note:
*bows down on the ground* I'm sorry but this was my first angst imagine and I know it isn't really the best. Either way I still hope that you liked it! Vote and comment please :)
Annyeong chingu! *bows again and waves while smiling*

p.s. This imagine was requested by bts_exo1004, please read her works too. They are amazing :)

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