Save Me Please! (Teen wolf fanfiction)

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Hey guys hope you enjoy this, let me know what you think. Had to put a little pic of Derek with this chapter. :)

Lydia's P.O.V

Finally the alpha pack has been dealt with, maybe we can have some peace and quite now. It's Beacon Hills, like that's going to happen. I just want to get back to normal, well as normal as I can considering I'm now a banshee. Oh well. It just seems that anything that could possibly go wrong does, but hopefully everyone can have a break and just be the teenagers we are, well except Derek. God if anyone has it worse off it's Derek. When the alpha pack came into town he lost two pack members, one he had to kill himself. The guilt is destroying him. He can hardly cope, he's already kicked Isaac out. I'm the only one he'll talk to. The fact that Peter (his uncle) is the one that turned me into a banshee has brought us closer, he's helped me so much. He's been there when I need him it's only right that I'm there for him when he needs me, he might not admit it but he does.

School starts tomorrow, hopefully the group will return to normal. Scott and Kira will have some time to work on their relationship as well as giving stiles some time to help Malia cope with life as a human. I on the other hand will be focused purely on school. And Derek of course. I don't know if Isaacs staying or going, guess I'll find out tomorrow. Well off to bed for me, I'll check up on Derek in the morning on my way to school.

* * *

Time to head over to Derek's before school, I hope he's doing better. Maybe I can get him back to the loft soon, since he's returned to the old Hale house. Well that might be hoping for too much, but a girl can dream.

Once I arrive I just walk-in knowing he's already sensed me, so he wont be on attack mode. "Derek, you going to talk to me today?" I called, hoping for a response but I already know I won't get one. He appears at the top of the staircase but wont look at me. I go up a few steps to get closer but I know by now not to get to close, Isaac did and it didn't end well for Isaac. "Derek can you at least tell me your okay?" I ask desperately hope he even just say's that he's fine, but as I thought all I get is a simple nodded before he disappears. I know this is me being dismissed and I leave not wanting to upset him anymore.

Once I get to school Isaacs there to greet me, looks like he's staying. He looks at me hopefully knowing I've been to check on Derek, I just shake my head. He looks disappointed, but understand I can't push Derek to far. We head towards our lockers and meet up with the rest of the pack. "How's he coping?" Scott asks me. "I'm doing what I can Scott but I can't force him to talk to me. I'm hoping I can get him back to the loft soon, I hate him staying in the Hale house, I just wish he'd open up to me soon before..." I froze mid-sentence something felt different, everyone was calling me me but I couldn't hear them, all I could hear was screaming and whimpering. I turned around and there was a girl standing right where all the noise was coming from. I know there was something different about her, I felt the need to protect her from whatever was causing the screaming. She looked so vulnerable.

Finally I snapped out of it, and turned back to the pack. "Lydia, what the hell was that?" Stiles asks but I just brush it off and walk away to class. Isaac followed me. After class Isaac corner me,"What was that earlier with the new girl?" he questioned but I didn't really have an answer for him as I wasn't even sure myself. "I honestly don't know Isaac, I just got a strong feeling from her." That was the best way I could put it till I worked it out myself. "What kind of feeling?" he asked seeming worried.

"That she needs protecting from someone."

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