The New Girl.

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Let me know how it's going guys, hope your enjoying it.

Lydia's P.O.V

At lunch we were all sat at the usual table when I spotted Isaac staring intensely at the new girl. "Isaac!" I smack his head, "Stop staring at her, can't you see your making her uncomfortable." He simply shrugged at went back to eating. I got up and walked over to her, she didn't even look up when I got there. "Hey, can I sit here?" She slowly nodded. "I'm sorry about Isaac, he doesn't mean any harm. He's just not very comfortable with change." I told her hoping she'd feel a little more comfortable with me.

She eventually looked up, and I wish she hadn't. The amount of physical pain that hit me from looking at her eyes, caused me to double-over. I yelped meaning Isaac rushed over to help me while growling at the new girl. "Isaac stop!" I call while still in pain. "I'm fine, it was nothing." he starts to calm down and is scanning me with his eyes as if looking for what cause the pain, when a small voice said, "Are you okay?" My head shot up. My eyes locked with hers, she looked so frightened. "Yeah I'm fine Thanks, it happens sometimes. I'm Lydia and this idiot is Isaac." I tell her nudging my head in Isaacs direction. A small giggle comes from her, so quite I almost missed it, causing my eyes to widening and spreading a proud smile across my face. "I'm Rose, Rose Nicholson." she tells me.

* * *

After school I head straight to Derek's to see if I can get him to talk this time. Only this time I have a plan, I'm going to ask him what happened at school with the screaming and emotions I got from Rose. He has to talk to me then. Hopefully he knows what it was that caused it and what I can do about, because there's no way I'm not helping her, if I can.

"Hey Derek, I need your help with something." I called as soon as I walk through the door as I head to the stair and sit down on the third step. I hear the floor board creak under his weight as he slowly makes his way down the stairs, shockingly he sits right next to me. I slowly turn my head towards him, to find him looking at me with a worried expression on his face. " What's up?" I ask him not expecting a reply. "You. You sound upset about something, I can hear it in your voice." He's actually spoke. I remain calm even though inside I'm throwing my own personal party. He actually spoke to me.

"I had a weird episode in school today, and I'm really confused by it. I was hoping you could help me." I explain what happened to him, even the event at lunch which he growls at. "Derek like I told Isaac I'm fine, it's not as if she caused me the pain." He still didn't seem very happy but he stopped growling. Derek didn't have any idea why I had an episode when I saw Rose but said if I try and spend more time with her it might become clear to me. Yeah that sounds easy but it's the complete opposite. None of the pack are comfortable around since the incident in the lunch room, thanks to Isaacs big mouth. Time to convince the pack that she need my help and I need theirs.

* * *

I text telling them to meet outside the school to talk. Hopefully I can Persuade them to let Rose in, I need to figure out what's happening and the best way to do that is to spend more time with her. Isaacs not going to like this.

Everyone's already there before me, grouped together talking until they spot me pulling up. Isaacs the first one to come over, then the rest follow. "What's this all about Lydia?" Scott asks me. I'm not even sure where to begin or whether their even going to listen. Oh well, here I go. "It's about the new girl, Rose. I know none of you are all that comfortable with letting a new comer in with everything that's happened but hear me out please." I pause, waiting for complaints. They all just stare at me, until Scott steps forward. "We may be hesitant about letting her in but I know you have a good reason for it, so I don't mind." I smile and mouth 'Thanks' to him, grateful for his support. I glance at the rest of the pack and they're all nodding their heads in agreement with Scott. All except Isaac.

"I don't want her around you! What if the lunch incident happens again? What about the fact that we aren't exactly a normal group of teenager? Is anyone thinking about the consequences here?" I was shocked at how angry Isaac seemed about this. I knew he was comfortable with me inviting rose to join are group, but I didn't think it was this strong. "Isaac I totally get what your saying but, I need to help her. I need to figure out what did happen at lunch, because I have no idea what that was. She looked at me and I was hit with some much pain, Physical pain. I just don't understand it, but I want to. I want your support with Isaac. Do I have it?" I ask him cautiously. After some time he reluctantly nods his head. "Thanks."

We all head home afterwards agreeing to invite her to sit with us at lunch tomorrow. Once I get home I head for a shower, while thinking of the best way to get closer to Rose without seeming suspicious. I think I'll take it slow and gain her trust. If I have any more banshee episodes hopefully I'll have a bit more detail to work them out.

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