Part 31

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A few days later Jug was released Home and Charles stayed for a couple days with his daughters then had to leave again. Exams were coming up before prom and it was stressing some people out. Mainly Jughead, Betty was super organised like usual.

The group were sat on the common room talking about the upcoming maths exam.

"How are you meant to get this stuff?" Jug asked

"Erm study" Georgie smiled as Jug threw a chip at her.

"Hey Archie" Ava walked over smiling only at him.

"Hey Ava" he smiled back whilst leaning back with his arm around Georgie. She looked this Ava up and down before placing her hand on Archie's leg.

"I'm trying out for cheerleading today" she beamed at him.

Georgie rolled her eyes as she saw Ava look down at her hand and notice something shiny.

"That's a beautiful ring Morgie" she fake smiles

"It's Georgie and thank you, my engagement ring? It's beautiful isn't it" Georgie fake smiled and kissed Archie as he smiled.

"Wait your engaged?" She asked Archie.

"Yeah didn't I tell you?" He looked confused.

"Anyway good luck trying out, Georgie here and Cheryl are co-captains, good luck with that" Veronica smirked

Ava turned to walk away.

"Dude she got it bad" Jug laughs.

"What?" Archie asked

"Archie it's clear as day she has a huge crush on you" Betty explained

"She does not" he scoffs

"Baby, she has a huge crush on you but this face is mine you got that?" Georgie squishes his face.

"Yes ma'am" she smirked at him and kissed his lips.

"Anyway, this weekend I have my dads cabin in the woods all to myself so I was thinking maybe we could all go for the weekend" Veronica spoke.

"Cabin in the woods? Isn't that a horror film?" Jug asked

"I'm so in! I need a break" Georgie told her and everyone nodded.

"Great we'll go Friday after school" Veronica slapped standing up going to her lesson.

"Well this is going to be good" Jug smiles.


That Friday Georgie had everything packed for the weekend ready to go.

"Ok dads back later tonight until Sunday ok so you're not alone, he comes at 8 so Tommy has to go by then or you'll have dad to answer to!" Georgie explains.

"I got it ok! Go!" Allison sighed

"Georgie she's a big girl she will be fine ok" Archie dragged Georgie out.

"Ok bye! Be good" she shouts as Archie lifts her up.

Once they are on their way Jug sat next to Archie who was driving and the girls sat in the back. Veronica was asleep on Georgies shoulder and Betty was talking about prom.

"So we need to pick a theme by next week so that there is time to prepare everything" she spoke.

Once they were there everyone got out and walked through the entrance.

"Wow Veronica this is beautiful" Georgie spoke first.

"Thanks, we don't really come here anymore" she said sounding sad.

They split up to find their rooms as Archie carried the bags Georgie opened the door.

"This is beautiful" She beats out.

"Yes you are" Archie drops the bags as he picked her up bridal style and threw her on the bed as she squeals. He rests his head on her lap as she sits up.

"I'm sorry I've been a little out of it the past week, there was a lot going on in my head and I feel like I finally got everything sorted" she runs her fingers through his hair.

"Hey I'm always here for you and I'm a few years I'll be your husband and then you can't get rid of me" Archie smiles.

"What did I ever do to deserve you Archie Andrews" she bend down to kiss his head.

"Come on we're going in the hot tub!" Betty came to the door.

Once they were all changed they all god into the hot tub which was outside on the deck.

"I'm so glad we all came up here, we need a break especially you Georgie" Ronnie spoke first sinking further into the hot tub.

"I just feel like it's finally over, that I can enjoy the rest of school and prom with my best friends" Georgie spoke moving closer to Archie.

"I can't wait for prom but the best bit is finding a dress" Ronnie squeals

"Actually I have something for you girls, I designed some dresses for prom for you as a thank you, I haven't made them but I have pictures of the drawings if you want to look" Georgie carefully reached for her phone and handed it to Betty first.

"Georgie! Oh my god this is amazing! It's so me, like my perfect dress!" Betty sounded excited and passed the phone to Ronnie.

"Oh this is definitely for me! Georgie I couldn't have picked anything more perfect" Ronnie looked up to see Georgie blushing.

"That's sorted you're making our dresses" Betty smiled.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Georgie kissed Archie before she got out heading to the bathroom.

As she walked upstairs she heard the others get out as it was getting dark. She suddenly heard a commotion from downstairs and voices that weren't familiar to her. She slowly walked to a closet to see if there was anything for her to use. Luckily there was, a baseball bat. Once she picked it up memories came flooding back.

She shook them off as she heard Ronnie walking up the stairs with someone behind her, Ronnie walked into her bedroom and bent down to get her purse.

Georgie came behind the guy with bat in hand. Veronica turned around to face the guy, relief spread across her face as she saw Georgie stood behind him.

"You came into the wrong house" Veronica smirked

"Oh ye princess why's that" suddenly Georgie hit the guy in the ribs hard and then in his legs making him collapse to the floor.

"Are you ok?" Georgie asked hugging Ronnie.

"I am now" she smiles

"Call security ok I'll be back, how many are there?"

"2 more" Ronnie told her getting out her phone.

Georgie slowly made her way downstairs to see the others sat in the couch as the men stood in front of them.

Georgie caught both Jugs and Archie's eye by waving her hand. Betty was sat with her head in her hands. 

"Hey who are you?" Georgie spoke making the two guys turn around. As if on cue Jug and Archie tackled the guys to the floor as they heard security pull up outside.

After the men were taken out by security, everyone joined up in the living room.

"Is everyone ok?" Jughead asked

"I am thanks to Georgie" Veronica told them still shaking.

"Hey! We're all ok, you guys would have done the same thing" Georgie smiled as Archie came over wrapping a protective arm around her and kissed her head.

"Now lets enjoy our time and had some fun!" Betty smiled.

"You ok?" Archie asked Georgie quietly

"Perfectly fine" she kissed his cheek. For the first time in a long time she was.

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