How to disband a band.......???

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Quick A/n : This chapter dedicated to all the people out there who take time to read my book ,

"Alright, now that everything is handled... how do you quit a band?"

"I don't know... I'm not in a band."

Natsu stared at the blonde who was seated on the stool behind the counter, the two in Spetto's flower shop doing some kind of brainstorm session together while the day went on. It's already been a week since the entire incident and the thing spread like a wildfire but the band didn't care anymore. All of them refused to do any sort of interview and just kept with the entire concert thing for now.

The boys agreed it was much easier to do this, now. Especially since they all graduated the high school they temporarily attended and Lucy was free, too.

"Do I just like... uh, announce it or-?"

"Natsu, I really don't know. I'm not the one in a band and I'm not the one wanting to quit. Really, I think you guys should continue your career of singing. You're still young and none of you aren't in your twenties, yet." The blonde sighed as Natsu pursed his lips. "Well... I guess it's not the official breakup but it's like a breakup..."

"You said you're heading to Brasil next week, right?" Lucy asked as Natsu slowly nodded making her sigh. "Well, I guess you can announce it there or something. Where's the last place you're heading to before the tour is over?"


"Well, then you can announce it afterwards."

"You want to come with us to America, Luce?"

"I mean, you can post it on one of your social media websites and it'll spread like a wild-wait, what?" The blonde said in pure surprise as she looked over at Natsu who was twirling a pen with a fake flower attached to the end around. He looked a bit uncomfortable but he continued to stare her down. "What did you say?"

"I ask you if you want to come with us. On our American Tour."


"Because I want you with me. You can come with us on our North and South American Tour. I don't want to leave you all alone here in Japan when I'm all the way across the world." He answered as he put down the pen and scooted closer to her, leaning in. "Please, Lucy? It'll be fun." He said with a wide hopeful look on his face. "We can travel the world together."

"Nah, I pass. I'm don't really like the idea of a one or two day travel plan and I don't want to be there when you announce the break up." The blonde shook her head. "The fans probably think you're breaking up because of me."

"But we're not-"

"Natsu, can you guys please just stay together a bit longer? Like maybe through one more contract. A contract is like, two years, right?"


"Sign one more contract. Please. I love... I love seeing you guys up on stage and you love it as well, right?" She asked making Natsu become silent and look at his girlfriend who was now standing up as she noticed a costumer come inside and approach them. She flashed a sweet smile as the man handed her a bouquet of red roses. "Besides, you just graduated high school so you have a lot of time to yourself. I believe you should stay as a band for a couple more years."

Pursing his lips, Natsu stared at his girlfriend who gave the man back his change, his dark eyes following the back of the costumer before he sighed and stood up as well.

"I'll be back."


"I don't know, this interview is going to be a messy one with everything that's been going on. Are you sure we should be doing this?" Loke asked the entire band who was sitting in the back of the studio, ready to head onto stage where the interview would be held. "I mean, it's just going to cause another riot and all they're going to ask is what happened during the past week, right?"

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