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Notes: this chapter will be the back-story of Lucy and the boys
. Like a filler or something but I hope this answers most of your questions! :) and decicated to for all the readers thank for the support Arigato gozaimas minna San
Lucy hated the dark. She hated being alone, she hated small tight spaces, and she hated being surrounded. One of the reasons why she freaked out when the paparazzi surrounded her was because they put her in a weak spot.

She actually wasn't so afraid of the dark or tight spaces before but the fear got bigger as she went from age four to seven.

Her father was the cause of the phobia. He always locked her up in closets for hours and hours for 'discipline' but all it did was made her even scared.

"You can come out when you learn how to behave, Lucy!"

She was a good girl. She listened to others and never disobeyed her father but when she did something reckless, he would just grab her, throw her into a closet, and keep her in there till dinner time. Or when somebody found her weeping in the dark tight place.

Her father was a man of his words and strict businessman. He was somebody who thought money was everything and without money, there would be nothing. But he didn't always think like this, it was only after his wife and Lucy's mother passed away, he became distant and cold. It was hard growing up without a parent's love but Lucy had everyone in her mansion to keep her company so she didn't let it bother her too much.

She had the maids and cooks in the house and she even had a doll that she treated like a little sister.

It was fun most of the time.

"Lucy, what happened to your parents?"

Stiffening at the question, the entire band felt the awkward tension in the air and immediately Erza shoved her fist against the back of Natsu's head to teach him a lesson.

"Idiot, you don't ask personal questions like that!" The scarlet-haired hissed as Natsu squeaked out in pain, trying to escape the torture but Erza was much stronger and violent. "Apologize right now!" She barked making Natsu cry out an apology making Lucy sweat-drop and the others sigh at his stupidity.

"I-its okay... Erza, you don't need to punish him like that." The blonde laughed nervously, trying to stop the torture as Erza finally let go of the pink-haired singer to make him scurry towards his girlfriend who gently pat his back. "It's just... I didn't expect that to come out," she admitted honestly as she looked at Natsu who was eyeing her. "do you really want to know, Natsu?"

"I mean... yeah. I just-I just thought maybe it'll bring us closer. Not just you and me but all of us since we're going to be on this bus for a while," the singer glanced towards his band mates who tried looking like they weren't listening but secretly were all listening. "besides... I'm curious."

"Okay, I'll tell you guys but," she said eyeing the boys around her. "in return, you're going to tell me, too."

Most of them looked slightly uncomfortable but Erza flashed a wide smile and clasped her hands together in excitement, plopping right besides Jellal. "That is fair enough! C'mon boys, stop acting like you're not interested, it's story time!" She announced making them all shuffle closer and come into a circle as they looked at Lucy to start her story.

She looked slightly pained but having Natsu stroking her hand gently made her calm down.

"I... don't have a family. Both of my parents passed away when I was young so I don't really know, I guess. My mother was basically the only one who supported me but she passed when I was really young. My father followed suit couple years later so I was alone since I was the age eleven." She started out making the others frown, looking slightly bad about having her talk about her childhood like this. "My father was a big businessman who thought money was everything. I grew up without my parent's love and that's how I grew up hating rich and famous people."

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