Prince Charming my ass ! She need's a dragon Asshole

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Chapter 25

"Alright, we all have to stick together. Nobody is allowed to separate from the group unless it is something super duper important and I doubt that. If any of you are reported missing, I will punish you, am I clear?" Erza said sternly and bluntly as the six trembled slightly under the red-haired woman's power. "We're a family and family stick together. And this is a big area with people who don't speak our native language so stick together." She repeated for the millionth time to get it through the boy's head.

She wasn't really worried about Lucy wandering off but the others got her shaking.

"Great! Now to head out-I need to buy something to add to my collection!" Erza said happily as she was the first one to walk off the tour bus as Jellal followed close. Gajeel, Gray, and Loke soon followed behind but as soon as Natsu was about to head out as well, he noticed Lucy just sitting on the couch not moving an inch.

"You comin' Luce?" He questioned but all he got was a shake of the head. "What? Why not?"

"I'm not going out there. People know me, Natsu. And I swear to god, if I have screaming reporters and flashing lights around me again, I'm going to lose it."

"You won't," he reassured as he climbed back up the stairs and towards his lovely girl. "I'll protect you."

"Protecting me won't do anything, Natsu. They can still surround us," the blonde shook her head, sighing. "I prefer to say inside."

"We don't know when the next time it'll be when we go out, again. C'mon, Luce, it'll be okay. I promise. We're bringing body guards, too. It'll be fun, yeah?" He offered, holding out his hand for her to grab. "I promise you'll be okay."

Pressing her lips into a tight line, the blonde stared at her singer boyfriend for a good minute or two until she finally gave in and grabbed his palm.

Natsu just beamed as he dragged her out of the tour bus, joining the others who all looked at them when they came out.

"What took you guys?" Gray asked making Natsu shrug.

"Lucy was scared to come out because people know her," he said making the others look at Lucy weirdly. "so we gotta protect her, s'all!"

"I'll protect you, Princess," Loke suddenly said as he grabbed Lucy's free hand to plant a kiss on it. "your Prince Charming is right here."

"Prince Charming my ass!" Natsu snarled as he yanked Lucy behind him to step in front of the ginger. "Lucy don't need no stinkin' Prince, she needs a protector. Something better. Like a dragon."

"D-dragon?" Loke sputtered, confused and slightly afraid as the pink-haired singer grinned widely.

"Yes, a dragon. Dragons are fierce and loyal protectors. Besides-they're cooler than Princes who wear tights, am I right?" Natsu spun his head around to look at his girlfriend who was just smiling at his little theory. "C'mon, tell me I'm right!"

"You're right, Natsu." Lucy spoke softly and calmly as she squeezed his hand. "You're my dragon."

Hearing that, Natsu couldn't help but grin widely as a slight blush decorated his cheeks. He felt the happiness bubble up and he felt giddy all over as he faced Erza who was patiently waiting and staring at them in amusement. She cleared her throat and resumed back to what she was saying before the couple came out.

"Anyways, as I was saying, we'll be heading down to the shopping centers downtown so I can find some souvenirs. You guys are free to come with but," she paused to see if everyone was listening. "we won't be going here or there separately or with a partner. This isn't going to be a hunt and if I do have to come and hunt you down, just know that you won't be sleeping peacefully or traveling nicely for the rest of the tour."

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