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Look who is back.....It's me
Let's time skip this to when Naruto is eight

Narutos POV
I was walking to school but started to feel pain in my hands but tried not to pay attention as I didn't want to be late so Iruka sensei doesn't freak out at me. The same routine is still happening where people hate me because I was from iwa. Yes I have accepted the fact that Minato and Kushan are not my real parents as they probably felt bad for me so they took me in.

I soon arrived at school and instantly fell to the ground when dog breath attack me. That's my new nickname for Kiba because, one he hates it and two because his breath actually smells like it. As soon as we saw the time we ran to the class room and I guess luck wasn't on our side as we were late and once again Iruka sensei freaked out.

During the whole time in class my mind was focused on the pain in my hands as it worsed. I quickly looked at my hands and saw a split in them. 'What the fuck' I thought as I didn't understand what was happening but I didn't want to tell anyone.

Yeah i know this one was short but I wanted to get something out for New Years so ENJOY. I'll get writting more.......I don't know when though

(Words 241)

Deidara's Little BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora