Deidara and Itachi

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Here's an early update since I saw someone did the thing I said in the last chapter.....ty (:

Third POV

Deidara was laying on his bed deep in thought till he heard the door open. The blonde hair male looked over to see Itachi "oh hey Itachi. I thought you had somewhere to be today." Deidara said and sat up. Itachi nods "Yeah I already went. So what were you thinking about. It looked like you were deep in thought"

Deidara shakes his head "I hope your curiosity kills you one day....Anyways I was thinking about my brother." He said but heard a chuckle "what are you laughing at?" The older male shakes his head "you have seemed down lately and your brother has been filling your mind none stop. Shouldn't you just go see him" Once Itachi said those words Deidara sighs "I wish I could but he still goes to the academy"

"You can still see him while he lives in Konoha. Just don't take him to live with you yet......Though that should be his choice. Also you could always teach him what you know" The last sentence gave Deidara an idea "You're right. I could take him this week and teach him myself while I train him. I also could bomb Konoha afterwards since they have been our target for a while"

"Don't think about doing that. If you hurt my brother or my family I will not hesitate to kill you" Itachi said and his eyes showed his sharingan"

"Fine I wont but I will bomb the village if they don't let me see Naruto when I go there in a few days.....Hey Itachi why did you leave the village if you care about your family. Wouldn't you want to be with them" He then saw the black hair man shake his head "Yes I would want to be with them but I rather make sure they are protected then be with them....Anyways I'm heading out" Itachi waved bye to the other male before walking out. Once the male was gone Deidara starts writing the note to Naruto, telling him that he will arrive this week. After the note was written he made a clay bird and gave the note to the bird before it flew off to Konoha.

(with Itachi)

Itachi knew he had to go tell Minato Deidara's plan so that's exactly what he was doing. He saw the clay bird fly past him on his way to the village so he knew Naruto would have the note by the time he arrived.

Once the Uchiha arrived he went straight to the hokage tower and knocked on the door to Minato's office. He then opened the door once he heard a "come in" and saw the hokage and Kushina. He instantly said what he wanted to say to the hokage "Deidara is coming for Naruto this week. He plans on bombing Konoha if you wont let him see or take Naruto"

Minato thinks for a moment about the news "I guess we have no choice bu-" He was then cut off by Kushina "We cant just give him up Minato, he's our son. Even if he isn't biologically ours...we raised him"

"I know but he also always wanted to know his brother or meet him. It should be his choice if he goes with his brother or not"

Itachi listened for a moment but then decided he should get going "I'll be taking my leave now" he said and walks out of the room and heads back to the Akatsuki hide out.

And that's the end of the chapter. I know it was short but It'll be leading into the next part of the story so please bare with me. Oh and also. If someone can write a good fight scene for me message me on here and I'll give more information.....Im just not the best fight scene writer....or writer in general lmao

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