Who am I??

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Naruto's P.O.V

I just stood there and took in the information I have just received from this simple and short letter. I have a brother and he didn't forget about me! I didn't know whether to be happy that I found out this information or mad that he left me in village that doesn't even want me, either way I'll be with my brother in a year or two.

I look down at my hands. 'Will he know what is going on with me' I thought then head home so my so called "parents" don't get worried about me......Did they ever even get worried or were they just pretending.

Time skip to when Naruto arrives home

I open the door of my so called home and was about to yell for mom and dad but then heard them talking so I didn't and decided to go to them. I know I have to call them mom and dad or they'll think something is wrong but it just no longer feels right.

When I arrived to the living room I was about to tell them I am home now but I heard them talking and I instantly started to just listen because....why not.

"Minato should we tell him when he's older, well that is if the Akatsuki doesn't get to him and tell him first" my mother said as she had a worried look on her face when she said the last part. My only though was 'what or who is the Akatsuki and what do they want with me. What is so important they need to tell me'

"Kushina the Akatsuki wont get to our child. Of course we will tell him when he is older but I rather tell him when he is a teenager and is more mature. after all one of the tailed be-" I cut my father off as I wanted answers to my questions now "mom dad who are the Akatsuki and what does that have to do with me. what do you and them have to tell me when I'm older. Please tell me. I thought we all wouldn't keep secrets from each other" I tear up. I thought they had more hidden from me than what I found out in the note.

The worried looks on my parents' faces turn from worried to sad when they heard me and they instantly hugged me "Naruto I wish we could tell you but this is about ninja stuff and your not a ninja" my father said and I frown "but I'm in the academy isn't that good enough" I knew it wasn't but I wanted to find out that secret. Kushina shook her head no and ran her fingers through my golden locks "I'm sorry Naru, You'll know about it another time okay? I don't think today is the good day for that" she then checks the time. "Its getting late. Naru go get ready for bed and I'll be up shortly to tuck you in like always" All I could do was nod and then I ran upstairs to my bedroom.

Even though I'm eight years old my mom likes to keep certain old habits that gave her good memories so she still tucks me in. not that I'm complaining, whenever she tucks me in I stay warm throughout the night but when I just cover up on the nights that she cant tuck me in I end up freezing all night.

Once I threw on my pajamas and brushed my teeth I got in bed and kept my light on since I knew mom is coming up here in a bit. My mind wonders off to the conversation that just happened and I tried to think of all the possible answers of what the secret could be. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice my mom now beside me and was calling my name. I finally lost my train of thought when she shook me lightly "Naru whats wrong?" she asked and I shake my head "nothing mom. I was just thinking" Mom nods and kissed my forehead "goodnight" she said and tucked me in then went to shut off my light and walks out of my room. It was back to being just me and my thoughts. Eventually I fell into a peaceful sleep

SSSOOOOO IM ALIVE AGAIN. Im sorry for not updating.....I have a little bit of a writers block but I kept getting comments to update it so this is like a little filler. sorry if its bad. Its 1:26am right now

So I thought about it for a bit and decided to try and find an editor to edit my little spelling and grammar mistakes...because I make a lot of those. so if your interested pm me. oh and don't think ill be giving you my account information. Ill make a new wattpad account for you and if wattpad lets me I want it to be named Demonkyuubi124editor. but I don't know yet. anyways goodnight/goodmorning. and tootles

(843 words)

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