I got Tagged

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Hey y'all so I got tagged by a wattpad user and I decided to accept the challenge
So let's go!!!!

1. Do I like Someone?
Does Choi Siwon, Namjoon Kim and Jongin kim count?

2. Do they like me?
Well choi siwon likes me for I am an ELF, but in truth they don't even know I exist....*sigh*

3. Middle Name?

4.Single or taken?
Taken and married to Choi Siwon.........nah I'm playin. This Oreo is a single lady😎😚

5. Last person I texted?
Haven't texted anyone

6. last Song I listened to?
  VAVA- My new swag


8. Best Girlfriend

9.Best guy friends
Christian, Jeriel, kyle etc. All friends from school.

10. Fave otp
I have fave OTPs.....


Damn siwon wants hae for himself but eunhyuk not having it loll





11. Why i created a wattpad account.

I wanted a place to showcase my writing skills and at the time I had an account on quotev and I signed up for wattpad before age 13 and I've never looked back.

tag 20 people

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