I got tagged

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So ahcwolves4305 tagged me. (we don't know each other in real life but still) also why me out of all the ppl u could've chose? Lmfao I'm trash😂

1. Sexuality: straight
2. Gender: female 🚺
3. Happy? Nah
4. Last song? "Disappear" a Dear Evan Hansen cover by Thomas Sanders and some other guy. (Never even seem the musical tho I just heard the cover one day and I liked it)
5. Hair color: Light brown
6. Zodiac: Capricorn
7. Last person kissed: My cat (does that count?)
8. Fav color? Orange
9. Fav food: turkey.
10. Battery %: 7%
11. Celeb crush: Jake T. Austin
12. Fav vegetable: Celery
13. Eye color: Brown
14. Shoe size: Women's 9.5
15. Dream job? Idk (Im currently a receptionist)

20 ppl:

Idk 20 ppl sry 😂😂😅

Peace out, sry if I seem annoyed or irritated I'm just a little stressed and sleep deprived.


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