Enchanted Talismans

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Everyone who becomes a part of the Solstice Tribe is gifted with an enchanted talisman to wear around their neck at all times. Each one is personalized to suit its holder; the Alpha does this by mixing her blood with theirs, creating a special bond with their mixed magic.

With every tribe mate wearing these talismans, the combined power generates a protective sphere around the entire territory powerful enough to repel all magic. Beings harboring a magic foreign to our land will not be allowed to pass the invisible fortification, nor use any types of magic to disrupt our tribe if they do somehow invade without welcome.

Because each person has to mix their magic into his or her talisman, this allows their own abilities to work inside the force field. Every necklace will be given a precious stone, be it on the front for decoration or on the back for necessity. These stones store the holder's specific power, further strengthening the force field and their own abilities.

These enchantments also strengthen the mind link that the entire tribe has access to. This is very helpful during a crisis.

All talismans are linked to each other in their own way as well, giving its holder the ability to sense the location of other beings with similar talismans.

Holders can also sense if other beings with the talismans are good or evil. But, because the talismans can only be used by the Alpha or the one who's magic is incorporated into it, they cannot be stolen and used to sneak in.

Certain Leaders can even teleport themselves or other tribe members to the location of any other talisman of choice.

If you aren't a part of the tribe, you must come to the Alpha to discuss what it would take to earn your access to pack grounds.

If you have not yet received an Enchanted Talisman, come speak to the Alpha Mythos- to create one together. Either way, everyone is required to wear one at all times inside the territory to ensure their own protection.

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