Writing pt. 1

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I'd say the most frequently asked questions I currently get are "how do you get so many reads" and "how do you come up with your plots". Such fascinating questions, I know, but these questions do pop up in my DM's more often than you'd think so here are the answers in case you were wondering.

How do you get so many reads?

First of all, you shouldn't be worried about reads at all. Trust me, nobody is going to judge your book based on the amount of reads you have. I know what you're thinking, "easy for you to say, you already have a lot of reads"; let me tell you, I remember very vividly of when my most popular book "White Lies" had just 30 reads and people still read it. If you are concerned about reads, I'm not shading you in any way. It's perfectly normal to want reads and to those people I say just be patient and wait, reads will come to you. Technically, there are ways to get more reads like promoting your book on social media or having one of your favorite authors promote your book (not saying you should bother them because most people don't like that). In my case, one of my best friends KayleeA226 gave me a few shoutouts here and there in her books which probably boosted my read count. So shoutout to KayleeA226 and if you're looking for something to read, go check her profile out.

Anyways, another thing I suggest doing if you want more reads is having a great book cover and an amazing description of your story. A great book cover is superficial—I know—but a lot of people tend to pick their next read by a beautiful book cover, that's just how our society works. Also, when it comes to your book description, make sure it sounds interesting enough to get someone to read it. Keep in mind that your book description is basically how you sell your book to others. You will not believe how many more reads I got the second I added dialogue excerpts from "White Lies" into the description but in general, just don't worry about getting reads because they will come to you over time (any author with high reads will tell you that).

Also, I'd like to consider myself a pretty chill author so if you want to promote your book in the comments of this chapter, go ahead. I just don't want to see them anywhere else (unless I asked) and if you're looking for a book to read, check the comments. So yeah, feel free to promote your book here.

How do you come up with your plots?

There are two main ways that I come up with a plot. The first one is I would come up with a concept (ex. White Lies is about a girl getting into a relationship with Daniel Seavey for publicity but what if it turns into something more?) and then I usually add in drama or plot twists from there. The second way is that I would come up with a scene (ex. Zach begging to be let into a coffee shop late one night, meeting this lovely girl in my book Secrets) and then I would expand that scene into a plot before I add in plot twists/subplots/other characters.

If you are planning on writing a book, I suggest that you write what you want and not what you think others would want to read. Writing should be about having fun while you do it and not about pleasing other people.

If you're having trouble coming up with a plot, try writing what you haven't seen on Wattpad. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't write a book about Corbyn Besson being a vampire if there are 100 books about him being a vampire, like I said, you write what you want to write. However, if there is a plot or a book that you want to see on Wattpad but haven't, write it yourself. "But I'm a terrible author" should never be a reason why you don't write. Everyone starts out as terrible authors, it's a learning curve and I promise that you'll get better the more you write.

Anyways, this concludes my first chapter about writing. If you have any questions about anything, leave them in the comments or leave it in my DM and I will try my best to answer them ASAP.

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