Never Enough

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I haven't gotten any questions recently, so when I was left a comment on a recent post, I was taken aback. I feel like my account is dying, and I am sorry for that y'all, but I'm currently taking time to find myself and truly love the person who I am today. Without further ado, here are the two questions I received.

What country do you live in?
I live in good ole US of A, West Coast to be precise.

Do you have any advice for someone who always feels like they are never enough?
I honestly don't even know where to begin with this question, as someone who has struggled with this before, this question is very near and dear to my heart. We'll start with the basics, without knowing the context of this question, I can assume that you feel "not enough" for one of two reasons: you are constantly disappointing someone else's standards of who you should be or someone you like/love left you or doesn't like you back. If it's not one of these two reasons, DM me and we can have a more personal conversation that specifically addresses your situation.

Let's address reason numero uno. I have been in many situations where I felt that I was not "good enough" because I was disappointing someone else's standards. But love, please do not let this be the reason that you are feeling this way. We live in a society where people constantly create these societal standards that do not always coincide with our best interests, and you have to understand that you will not be living your best life if you live by these expectations. You have to do things that will make YOU happy, even if it does not follow the expectations of someone else. It is not selfish to want to do things that do not obey someone else's interest. At the end of the day, it is YOUR life and you only have one chance to live happily. Your parents want you to be a doctor but you want to be an artist? Be an artist! Your parents will want what is best for you, but they never want to see you suffer. Do not put yourself through something where you will only suffer because someone else said you should. It is not selfish to do something that will make you happy.
Maybe you also feel this way because you are not following societal norms and being a model while also getting a 4.7 GPA in high school. Beauty is superficial and why we value it, I'll never know. Every single person is beautiful and special in some way, do not feel like you are ugly because you don't fit the idealistic beauty of someone on a magazine. Getting good grades is important, but it is not detrimental to your future. There are many successful people who thrive on their passions and not their grades in high school. Follow your passions and you'll thrive in those areas because you care. My advice in this situation is to do what is best for you, even if it conflicts the interest of others.

The second reason is maybe a lover left you or a crush chose someone else over you. Let me tell you cuties something: DO NOT PUT YOUR HAPPINESS IN THE HANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE! It is not worth it and it is overall exhausting. Your happiness and wellbeing should not depend on someone else. You should never EVER feel unworthy because someone else couldn't see the beauty etched into your soul. Trust me, it is their loss not to have you in their life. My advice in this situation is to just know that you will be worth the time and effort of someone amazing, it might just take some time for someone to finally see it.

This is basically a long rant, so I am going to end it here. If you have further questions or need more advice, DO NOT HESITATE TO DM ME. I am always here for you guys because each and every one of you guys deserves happiness, so I will do everything in my capacity to try and make y'all happy. Nobody deserves to feel sad or unworthy, so if you need a friend, don't be shy. I love you guys and thank you for having patience with my irregular writing schedule.

As always, feel free to leave questions in the comments or DM me any personal questions you may have, I'm happy to answer them. Have a good rest of your day or night!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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