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"Devi maiya..pls give me strength to face that laad governor..you know na I had to come to join here because in home amma and babuji are talking about their marriage and to avoid that I should focus on my career..If I apply for other job then don't what will THE ASR do..so here I am standing infront of AR main gate..Devi maiya save me from that incarnation of devil.." khusi was praying to her devi maiya standing near the entrance of AR.Finally after collecting herself she entered inside the AR office in her full aura...

Khusi was looking totally different and like a real boss in the dress she had worn..A western wear with a blazer which is teamed up with a simple sliver pendant with pumps shoes in black and no make up but her natural beauty cannot be beaten by any makeup..

"Excuse me..." khusi called the receptionist in a polite manner with a smile while the receptionist passed it back ..

"How may I help you mam?" but before khusi could answer to her question someone called her and she turned around to see the person...

"Khusi mam ...Welcome to AR.." Aman said with a genuine smile while khusi passed the smile with same intensity ....

"ASR is in his cabin ...Wait I will inform him..." aman said and was going to contact to arnav from reception but khusi cut him off..

"He may be well aware about my presence till now..so you don't have to say him anything..And it's Khusi Aman not mam.." khusi nearly warned him to not call ASR and call her only khusi.. Aman was not quite sure about calling her khusi so he was hesitating to speak..

"Can you show me my cabin and make me familiar to everyone here.." khusi spoke while looking around and aman nodded in yes..

"Attention everyone..Let me introduce to you all our new head designer ..." aman was going to say her name but someone said it before him....All turned towards the source and their stood..

"Khusi Kumari Gupta.." arnav said loud enough for everyone to hear but his eyes were fixed in hers while she not for once looked in his eyes...Khusi passed a genuine smile to everyone which others too reciprocated equally..Arnav gave a last glance at khusi and her new look before marching inside his cabin followed by aman...

All the employees one by one introduced themselves to khusi while khusi talked with all of them with respect as for her all are equal so everyone liked her personality not like their boss who all the time is in the mood of scolding and firing them..


Arnav was all the time busy with the meetings with different companies so he didn't got time to talk to khusi ...Seeing her in modern wear was a shock would be an understatement for him as he had never seen her except in kurta salwars....But today she was looking so professional like a boss ..Obviously she was going to be MRS. ASR he thought but next side there were totally different thinkings of khusi...Khusi being from a traditional family always wear traditional wears though her parents never forced her to do so as they are broad minded and want their daughters to give tough competition to society..But today Khusi also thought that she have to show arnav that she is their only as professional member of AR so she decided to go with everyone's choice and tell him that she is not the khusi that he knew but someone more mature and willnot repeat her mistake of coming in his words..

Since it was her first day she was only provided simple works and all were making her familiar with everything in AR...All were very impressd by her as no one can dislike her..obviously the khadoos boss likes her then how can't anyone else not like her...She was not friendly, caring , strict at times, happy go lucky, bubbly nature but also very good professionally. She had the capability of making simple designs of traditional or modern wear look perfect just by few modifications..All were in awe by her this talent of making everything imperfect yet flawless such that one who sees her designs keeps on seeing it without blinking his or her eyes..

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