The past adventures

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The village  

As they go around the village Blake looks up & around in wonder & shook. "This place is amazing how did this all happen?" Blake asks, Astrid smiles. "Yes this place is amazing & how this all came around, well that's a long & incredible story" "Well I'm interested & I've got plenty of time" "Ok but I'll tell you when we get to the academy" "Wow I can't what to see it" So she starts shoeing him & telling him wart things are. 

"There is the forge Hiccup spent most of his chilled life there as a apprentice" "Wow, he must have been hot allot" "Oh but up their you don't want to go" Astrid says as she points to Mildew's house. "Why?" "Because a grumpy man called Mildew lived there, he hated people tried to discredit Hiccup for years, he tried getting rid of the dragon's he moaned & complained about anything & he never missed a chains to make any bad roomer about us sound worse than the original roomer's" "Wow that was one grouchy man" "Yes some people say they can still here his moan's up their so we all try to sty clear from their, now let's move along" 

The academy 

Soon they get to the academy & when they get in as always the twins & Snotlowt are fitting etch over why Fishlegs is sighing in worry. "Hay you free cold you have one day without fitting for ones" "Why?" Ruffnut says "Yeah" Tuffnut says. "Because you are not kids anymore & it is not good for the kids to see you all fitting" 

"Ok mummy" Snotlowt says sarcastically. "& who is that with you?" Astrid smiles. "This is my little brother Blake" They all steer at her. "Brother you have no brother" "Well I do, I throat I had lost him when my parents almost died in that explosion all thus years ago but it turns out I didn't" 

"If you were not even a day old when all this happened how did you survive?" Snotlowt asks. "Well not long after everyone had left the island there was a man & a women just doing a last such to check they had got everyone, I was crying among-st are bunt down house & they heard me so they came over moved some of the wreckage then they found me & took me to their island & razed me, then when I was 14 I asked them why I was nothing like them & they told me about how they found me, where they found me & they told me all they now about my real family was that their sir name was Hoffason"

"& how did they know that?" Ruffnut asks. "Well they said when they found me I was in a crib & on it read Fearless Blake Hoffason, so after they told me I went to the island to find out more then when I learnt sum more plus the little things in my mind I started looking for them, it's taken me two years but I've finally found my sister" "So you've be travailing for two years" "Yes" 

"Well welcome to Bark I'm Fishlegs" Nice to meet you" "Hay I'm Snotlowt your sisters now cozen & the hottest & best guy around here" "Is he saying the truth is he your cozen now?" "Unfortunately yes & its kind of funny when you think about it" "How's it funny?" "Its funny beakers he always wanted me to be part of his family but now I am he doesn't like it" 

"Why he got what he wanted?" "Yes but not exactly what he wanted" "What do you mean?" "I mean he's been hitting on me sins we ware about 5 & his just anode that I chose brains & kindness over brown & silliness, he was hopping I would marry him one day" "Well you made the right chose, now can you tell me how all this happened with the dragons" 

 "Well it all happened about 7 years ago when we still fort dragons & Hiccup had no friends & we all sore him as a loser pipsqueak although I liked him a lot but me trying to keep the Hoffason name reputation I never spoke to him & when I did it was never nice, until one day in a dragon read trying to prove himself he shot down a Night Fury, so the next day he went in to the forest looking for the Night Fury & when he did he went to kill it but he cordon so he realest it but it turned out half his tale was gone so he cordon fly away so he slowly got his trust & was able to attach the prosthetic tale Hiccup had made" "Hiccup made a prosthetic tale?" "Yes & made lots of different ones for different needs over the years" "Wow, well carry on" 

"Ok well he started learning more things about dragons & he started getting better & I started getting suspicions of how he was getting so good then he was given the owner of killing his forest dragon instead of me, so I went to the forest to throw my axe at a tree then I sore Hiccup acting strangely so I followed him then when I found him I found the dragon, I was about to run back to the village But him & Toothless stopped me by picking me up & dropping me on the top of a tree" "What happened then?" 

"Well he asked me to let him explain but I would not listen to anything he said so he asked if he could show me then, so he helped me on Toothless & tuck me on a flit what ended being very romantic" "Year but I could of dun that" Snotlowt says. "Shore Snotlowt, all you cared about was yourself, flirting with me, showing yourself off, bragging about yourself & being the best witch you were never Hiccup's got that owner" 

"Ooh she got you hard their Snotlowt" Tuffnut says. "Well after that ride I agreed to not tell anyone then kissed his cheek & ran off, but it was not to last beakers the next day he had to kill his forest dragon but when he went in he tried to make pees with the dragon witch I think might of worked if his dad had not bashed his hammer what made the dragon angry or sacred, after that Hiccup's dad disowned him & after finding out his son had been to the dragon nest him& some over Viking men took a chained up Toothless & went to the island where the nest was" 

"But if Vikings had never found it how would they find it?" "Because only dragons could find it so they used Toothless to lead them & when they got their they blow the nest up to try & kill the queen, at the same time Hiccup was standing on the edge of a cliff looking out feeling dippiest but I encouraged him to follow his hart & we both went to the fighting arranger with this lot" 

"& what happened?" "Well Hiccup helped us make friends with a dragon then we all flow off to the island where Hiccup defeated the red depth but as the red depth was collapsing with all the flames around it it's tale knocked Hiccup of Toothless & he fell at list 60ft, 70ft fro all the flames" Blake gasps.

"So Toothless flow down trying to save him which he did but Hiccup lost half his left leg which is how he got that metal prosthetic & he became a hero then for the years Hiccup & all of us have defeated lots of dragons like the Skrill, the bone-napper, the screaming depth & lots of over bad dragons but mostly we've been saving dragons from dragon hunters which took us out of the archipelago, then last year Hiccup fond his mum after 20 years of thinking she was died but then his dad died just as they were united with Hiccup's mum, so he became chef & that'show it all happened"    

"Wow that's amazing" "Yes but there was lots of danger like there was the time I got the scourge that hadn't been heard of in century's we were just lucky we found a Buffaloed because everyone throat they where existed from the last out brake of the Scourge because the only way to recover from the scourge was to drink the sliver of the Buffaloed, then there's the time I went blind, the time Hiccup almost drowned & lots of over bad things but we got fro it all" 

"Wow you're a trooper you all are" "Yes but know one more than Hiccup he's the true hero non of this would be possible without him if it wasn't for him we'll be still fitting dragons" "Well I'm proud of you Astrid & I'm proud to be your brother"    

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