/if tear drops could be bottled../

220 11 5

 previously on alone...


"what the fuck" purrp yells and we all stand up including x people start running out side the front and back door i see cherry freaking out "whats going on" i yelled over the music "some..one has...a gun" she couldn't speak 

my mouth widened "dufcsyfnsnvS" is what i said in my head i grabbed her hand i walked back to the group i put her hand in purrps hand "take her home for me make sure she's safe" he nodded and ran out the house with pump, wifi and cherry 

me x and ski where the last ones to get out of the house but i felt something hard it the back of my hand i feel onto the floor and i felt really dizzy my eye sight went really blurry suddenly some one picked me up bridal style i tried to look

but my eyes closed...

i woke up in a very large room i raised my head it stared to spin like crazy i got out of the bed i was in "err" i moaned an/ not like that u dirty children

i looked outside the window in the room it still dark i opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs holding on to the railing carefully 

i could hear talking coming from the living room i walked into the room and i sow ski and x sitting on a sofa smoking i walked in shaking and ski notice me and got up on his feet he walked towards me and he grabbed hold of my hands "hey are you okay" he asked i looked up at him confused 

"what..what happened" i spoke 

"the party there was a guy with a gun and he was chasing after us and ended up hitting u on the back of ur head" he looked down at me 

i looked behind him seeing x looking at me then looking quickly at the floor i looked back up at ski "thank u for helping me" i wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back "its cool" i let go of him and he walked back towards x 

i walked slowly behind him and i sat next to x we made eye contact for 10 seconds but it was broken when ski started talking "yo luna do u want a drink or something" he got up "uh..yeh thanks " he nods and walks into the kitchen 

"imma go bed" x spoke for the first time and he walks up stairs ski comes back in with a water i take it and thank him " where did x go" he asked "he went to bed" i sipped my water 

"where am i sleeping" i asked ski he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs and opened a bedroom it was a large room and had a massive bed  "thanks" i jumped onto the bed and putting the covers over me ski turned of the light "night luna" he said "night ski" he then shut the door 

3ammmmmmm an/ oh hell no 

i woke up gasping for air i brought my self out of my covers and i walked to the room ski was in but he wasnt in there so i walked into x room and i tip toed towards his bed i sat on his bed and his eyes where open i got into the bed facing him 

"are u okay" i whispered 

he shook his head i looked down then i met his eye and we made eye contact "how comes ur up" he asked me "i had a nightmare" i whispered he was still looking into my eyes "x" i started "call me jahseh" i smiled "i like that name its cute" he smirked 

"how comes ur up" i stared into his eyes 

tear drops fall out of his eyes as he sniffed i knew straight away what it was 'depression' 

he sat up staring at the wall crying 

i got up and sat on his lap i put my arms around his neck and he put his arms around my waist "its okay jahseh..its going to be okay" i whispered into his ear he held me tight 

we kept on hugging i didnt want to let him go he was so precious but i let go of him and i stayed sitting on his lap i pulled down my sleeve i showed him my scars he held my arm and put his finger tips on them i flinched he looked up at me 

he showed me his scars they where much deeper then mine i placed my finger tips on his he kept staring at me as i touch his skin 

i kissed his arm and i looked back up at him he stared at me he then hugged me  

we both fell asleep i felt safe in his arms i dont know why..

an/ awwwwwwwww im in loveeeeee with this hsiofjwpivjodjvoiesjsj

soorrrrryyyy i know it isnt the best of chapters but u know mans rushing trying to get a chapter out for u xxxx

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