/in the end i wont run../

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we got out of jahseh car and walked up to my apartment i unlocked the door "do u want a drink or any thing" i asked him he nodded and i grabbed him a bottle of water and threw it at him to catch  "i wont be long" he nodded i walked to my bathroom and i straightened my hair i put on some makeup 

i walked over to my dresser and i picked out a outfit 

an/ once again use ur beautiful imaginations x

i walked down stairs "u ready to go" i asked jah he nodded

~time skipppp~ 

we entered apple store and we walked over to the phones "hey can i get a Iphone 6 plus please" he asked a employe "jah i'm being dead for real u don't have to buy me a phone" i said 

he ignored me and walked over to the cash out he brought me the phone still anyway "omg jahseh" i didn't want to be seen as a gold digger or some shit 

"take it" he said 

he passed me the phone we walked out the shop and i hugged him "thanks" i whispered 

"its cool" he hugged me back 

we walked back to his car and plugged in the aux cord playing one of his songs 

he drove me home and walked me to my apartment "thanks again" i spoke he smiled "it fine" he looked at the floor and started to walk of "wait do u want my number" he turned around and walked back over to me 

"sure" i opened my door and i grabbed a pen and paper

"thanks again" i said he walked back to his car 

i sat on my sofa and charged my new phone i got the sim out of my iphone 5s and put it into my knew one as soon as it turned on i started to set it up i looked over at the piece of paper with x number on it i put it in my phone i didn't text him yet cause i didn't want to be seen as thirsty

so i waited it out and i put on my tv and watch rick and morty an/ love that show

*ring* *ring*

i rubbed my eyes and i look over at my phone which was on the table 

'hello.." i mumbled into the mic

'where the fuck are u, little hoe' the person screamed in to the phone

'who is this' i asked getting worried

'its ur fucking step dad who else is it going to be' he yelled even more

'what the fuck do u want' i got up 

'u take my money, u take my car' he screamed even louder 

'what' i stopped in my track 

'bitch i took ur mom away is well u little hoe' i fell to the floor thinking the worst thing 

'shes..shes dead isnt she' i snob 

he laughed into he mic 'imma hunt u down and i will take ur life is well' 


i started to cough on my tears "its all my fault" i cried

i looked down at my phone and i looked at jahseh number i hovered over his contact 

                                                               face timing Jahseh 🌏

"Please answer" I whispered

"Yooooooo Luna what's up" he looked at the screen

I put the camera facing the ceiling so he couldn't see how bad I looked

"Can.. you come over or something or I can come to urs I don't mind" my voice went shakey

He looked at the screen concerned

"What's up" he looked at the screen even more

I ignored his question

"Please can u just come over..please" I could feel my tears drop onto my face

"Yeh I'm on my way now" he got up and I ended the call

I slid down the door and I cried and cried

Someone started to knock on my door I got up and I opened the door there X was he was looking down at the floor then at me "Luna" I broke down

He held me in a tight grip "what happened" he whispered in my ear

I pulled my self away from him and I looked him in the eyes

Time skippppppp

I explained everything to him and he didn't know what to say expect from its going to be okay which I know it won't

He held my hand and led me to my room he helped me into my bed and covered me in my covers

He sat at the end of my bed staring at the wall

"Jah" I looked at him

"Yes" he looked at me

"Can..can u stay with me please"

He crawled up to the empty space next to me

I snuggled up next to him and he wrapped his arms around me

He played with my hair and sang one of his songs

I fell asleep

an/ i didnt know what to write for this part so please comment what u think i should do for another chapter xx

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