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If you're reading this, they took your memories - again.

Your name is Octavia, Octavia Blake. You were born and raised on the Ark, an HYDRA facility designed to create and train enhanced humans and turned them into deadly, super-soldiers.

But you are not alone. You have Bellamy. He's your brother, and the person you love the most in the world. He's working with them too, just like you, against his will.

They will wipe your memories, hoping you'll lose the connection you two share, but don't let them make you forget him. You can't lose him. He's all you have left.

They will use you, train you, beat you up, torture you, time and time again, but don't let them erase who you are.

You are not a weapon. You are not Bloodreina. You are Octavia Blake.


Kill them all

Octavia read the first page of her little notebook, smiling fondly at the thought of what those words had meant not long ago, when she was still being held under HYDRA's command.

Whenever they erased her mind after a mission, she would find the small book, hidden behind a loose brick, on the small cell she had as a room, and she would read page after page, devouring any information it held, hoping that a little detail could bring back any type of visual memories.

She had written in detail what her brother looked like, from the curly hair to the freckles and the witty smile, and it was like she could see him right in front of her. She had also written her own likes and desires, dreams and thoughts, in hopes she would never loose any fragment of herself.

She had never felt whole though, and when she seemed to start recognizing Bellamy, they would take her to the lab and wipe her mind, again.

But it was all over, when six months ago they finally found a way to join forces with the other agents of the program - The 100, they were called - and rebel against their captors.

It was the hardest battle she had ever fought. Many of her comrades had died, but in the end they had destroyed the facility. After the dust had settled, only 44 of them had survived, along with Bellamy and a young mechanic named Raven. The Ark had fallen.

So, what's left for a former guard and an ex-agent with enhanced strength and speed? The only plausible path for those who were not ready to retire, join the opposite side of the field, join SHIELD.

It came quite as a surprise as they stepped into SHIELD's headquarters and Bellamy told their story to non other than Director Nick Fury. After the initial shock, he seemed eager to have them join their team, and even had a special side-job where Octavia could use her abilities for helping protect the Earth and everyone in it, instead of destroying and killing. The Avengers Initiative.

At first it had felt awkward, since Bellamy had stepped back and took a job as Maria Hill's personal assistant, and left her pretty much alone with a dysfunctional group of agents, gods, super-soldiers and cocky billionaires. Still, with each new mission, Octavia started to lower her walls and began to trust them, as she had found her place in this new world she was in.

A soft knock on the door brought her attention up, away from the notebook and into the tall figure that stood tall, leaned against the door frame, arms crossed across his broad chest "Are you ready? The party is about to start, and you know Stark likes to be the only one running late"

Octavia chuckled lightly at Steve's witty remark, as he smiled back at her. She shoved the notebook into a drawer in the nightstand and walked up towards Steve, who extended an arm that she promptly intertwined with her own.

"C'mon, Bellamy and Raven are already here"


A.N.|| This story will start smoothly, and I have no idea where I'm taking it. The only certainty I have is that eventually - maybe around chapter 10? - it will change into a Bucktavia fic. Until then, bare with me and just so you know, feedback helps me write a LOT faster, sometimes twice a week **wink wink**

Bloodreina - The New Avenger || Avengers AU - The 100 CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now