Chapter Five- "you'd be right by my side"

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Only the most delicate missions required both Bloodreina and Winter Soldier to work together, something Octavia wasn't very fond of. The soldier had no concern of anyone else well being, he was a machine devoid of emotions, and Octavia couldn't trust someone who had no heart.

The Hamburg mission was barely a success, although well executed and the targets acquired and terminated quickly without loose ends, Octavia still managed to get shot in the crossfire. Now they were heading to a safe house, an abandoned loft in a deteriorated building. The soldier walked in first, rifle in hand, inspecting the place, with Octavia following suit, hand still clutching the bullet hound in her chest, right above her heart. As soon as he cleared the floor, Octavia allowed her drained body to fall onto the stained couch, one of the few pieces of furniture inside the apartment.

She observed as he desperately tried to regain communications with the Operations Control, to no avail. Frustrated, he took the earpiece and threw it away across the room. He sat himself near of the windows, scanning the street for any suspicious behavior from the people walking by. And although his eyes were locked at the people roaming outside, his mind was elsewhere. That morning before the mission he seemed collected, calm, as he always was. What had changed?

"Soldier, report on the mission" Octavia commanded, as she stood up. She walked towards the open kitchen, where she found a first aid box in the far-side of the top cabinets, only reaching it at the tip of her toes. She looked back at the soldier, he had ignored her command as if she wasn't even there.

"Soldier, report" she tried again, her voice more austere this time. She sat back in the couch, taking off her jacket, exposing the bleeding wound. The bullet went through her chest and exited from the back in a straight line, which meant that the wound would heal faster if she manage to stop the hemorrhage, or she would die. So, she needed to stop the bleeding as soon as possible and make a bandage. She grabbed the first-aid kit that sat on top of the center-table and dropped the disinfectant liquid on the open wound, gasping at the burning sensation it inflicted.

And yet again, the soldier had decided to ignore her. If he becomes unresponsive, use violence to force him to comply. That were her orders, the only way HYDRA knew how to deal with the Winter Soldier.

"Soldat, what happened?" Octavia yelled, her voice cracking as a new string of blood ran through the gauze and down her top

"I don't know!" he yelled back at her, and both froze in place

She was now speechless, her mouth slightly open as she stood still in her seat. That was not the Winter Soldier, as he stood facing her, evident shock in his features, as he was only now realizing her condition. He shook his head sightly, walking towards her without saying a word, kneeling in front of her, taking the gauze from her hands and pressing it gently against her chest.

"What's your name?" Octavia asked, taking in his features for the first time. His sharp jaw line was covered in a thin layer of beard, his thick lips pursed in a frown and his steel blue eyes focused on the task in hands "Your real name, the one you had before joining HYDRA"

"I- I don't remember" he simply told her

"Well, that sucks. You know? You must've had a name, a place of your own, family, friends... You just can't remember them"

"Do you?" the Soldier looked up, a small smirk crossing his lips, defying her for an answer

"My name is Octavia. They don't know I know about my past, or else they would erase my memory. They haven't done that in a while, which makes it easier to remember stuff from before."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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