Clash of the Girl's Locker Room

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Principal Gulfert, Vice-Principal Emettson, Mr. Jensen, and Mr. Schooner all got up from the ground and observed the four knocked down burning goal posts laying like wreckage from a tornado in the two football fields. All over the fields there explosion craters and burning grass. Then over at the city park's two baseball diamonds and the tall trees behind the baseball diamonds, there was more damage. A long range cannonade had blasted the fifteen foot wooden pole and wire mesh net structure erected behind home plate for both baseball diamonds. That structure was on fire and had also been knocked down. Then there about ten twenty-five foot trees behind the baseball diamonds that were burning. The whole area looked scorched and battered.

The four men looked back at the school and saw all the broken out windows from the Library and Mr. Balm's Global Education classroom. They walked over to the school cafeteria kitchen receiving area, where the blown up food truck was still on fire and all the debris from the school cafeteria food receiving entrance had been blasted into the school parking lot, the double doors and many brick fragments were strewn everywhere, some of the school building's bricks had flown into the windshields and hoods of several teacher's parked cars.  Mr. Gulfert could not believe all the damage that had been inflicted upon his school and the city park next door. He grew angry and wanted whoever was responsible for this to explain how all this had happened and he wanted that guilty person to pay dearly. 

Mr. Gulfert saw several students in their gym uniforms walking across the football fields and started to shout, "Where is David Morrison? Where is David Morrison? Where is David Morrison?"

Mr. Willis finally crossed the street back to the football fields when he heard and saw Mr. Gulfert calling for David Morrison. Mr. Willis began to jog after David, who was walking across the fields away from Mr. Gulfert. It seemed David was wandering rather aimlessly across the fields not knowing what he was doing or where he was going. David was lost without the medallion. He had given the medallion to Zenja, but now it seemed the power of the medallion had not just been lost, it had been abandoned or really the power of the medallion had abandoned David. He did not hear Mr. Gulfert calling his name.

"David, stop right there. David, stop walking and get over here. David Morrison, do you hear me?" Mr. Willis called after David as he picked up speed in his jogging towards David, who did not hear him. 

Mr. Willis caught up with David and grabbed him by his left arm. 

"David, didn't you hear me? What's going on with you? Are you Okay?" Mr. Willis asked David with sternness and concern at the same time. 

David's facial expression looked like a soldiers stare, called the Thousand-yard stare, a blank gaze into nowhere. 

"David do you hear me David, wake up David, wake up!", Mr. Willis said as he shook David and then slapped him in the face. Mr. Willis had seen the Thousand-yard stare in Vietnam and acted instantly to help cure David.

After Mr. Willis slapped him, David literally woke up from staring into the Abyss, his whole face changed expression from a walking dead zombie to a startled coma patient. 

"Mr. Willis, what is going on? What happened to the school's football fields?" David asked  Mr. Willis as he looked over the the totally wrecked football fields and burning baseball diamonds. 

"You don't remember what happened here? Do you remember the Kenagon Brothers fighting in the locker room today?" Mr. Willis asked David with a sense that David had been walking around school today as if he was an opened eyed sleep walker.

"Kenagons? What fight today? I don't remember any fight. I don't even remember being in the locker room today!" Davie said with true sincerity.

"What was that necklace thing you gave to Zenja?" Mr. Willis asked David to see if he even remembered what had happened with Zenja.

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