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I froze

When I opened the bright red door
I saw ....

I saw -_-

Like what does he even do with 57 vibrators , 13 ropes , 18 gags , 42 lubes with different scents ( I want the strawberry and the ananas ones , like oh my god , strawberry lube and pineapple lube , can u believe -_-) ,
He had almost 76 different sexy dresses for girls and I almost choked on air , there were really a lot of tipes , kitten ones , maid ones , even a Wonder Woman one and I was going crazy cause I love dc and I've always appreciate the female characters cause they are wonderful , women fighting!

Ok , maybe I have an idea of what he does with those , the girls he slept with would have been really lucky

I want the Wonder Woman one :p

But if I try it and put it at the same place he won't notice , right ?

But I'm not that stupid , I'll clean everything and cook dinner before , then I'll play a little bit

2000 years later
Ok finally I'm done cleaning

Mhm let's see , what will I cook ?

I'm not so good at cooking, I'll do some spicy noodles and some salad , ok ok , it will be fine , I'm not that clumsy to make any mistake, right ?

Oh fuck

I forgot that I need chilly , I want them spicyyyyyyyyy , mhm , I'll see in the fridge

Nope , no chilly , I'll put pepper then

3 big spoons ? Naaah 4 its better

Oh fuck it's not spicy , it's hell , what do I do
Oh right I'll add some water and it'll be fine

I'm a fucking genius

3 weeks later
And the Nobel goes tooooo
Kim Taehyung!!!!
I'm done cooking finally , it's good , strangely , usually I burn half of the dish , I'm proud of myself , Nowwww
Lets playyyy
I want first of all to put on the sexy Wonder Woman' s dress

Ohhh and if I register it ?

It will be funny

3d person pov

He dressed up at the speed of the light ,
ruffled his hair cutely , put on some pink strawberry scented ( obviously) lip balm and started to register the first porn of his life

He took the pineapple lube and started coating his fingers, then he laid on all four with his ass facing the phone and started to put a first finger in , slowly , sooo slowly , whining ( not that he never fingered himself before , maybe just the fact that he is recording it ? Maybe ...... maybe )
He soon added a second finger trusting it at a fast pace, then he got up , reached for a 4 inch's vibrator ( he is still virgin after all ) and turned it on

He kneeled once more with his back facing the cell phone and started to put the vibrator , slowly , inside his hole , he screamed in pain ( and a tiny bit of pleasure ) as soon as it entered completely.

Taehyung continued to trust the "thing" inside of him really fast and soon he started to feel his climax near

He then turned , facing the camera , and continued on with his work , face flushed , hair messy and stick to the forehead because of the tiny bit of sweat that covers it , while sinful sounds kept escaping his mouth

He came

He stopped the registration , cleaned up everything , changed his clothes and put the dress in the same exact place where he had found it , the same goes for the lube and the vibrator ( that he obviously cleaned up , a little bit more then the necessary may I add )

He was so lazy to do anything after , mhmmm ...........playing hide 'n seek with his fingers (;p) so he just ate some noodles ( moaning as if he never ate something better then that ) and watched some videos on YouTube since he didn't know if he had the permission to watch Jungkook's tv , he then drifted to sleep on the couch

Hey Yon is talking 😁

Did u like it , tell me about your ships in bts ( mine Vkook , obviously, Yoonmin and Namjin )

Smut is love smut is life 😭
Byeeeee ❤️

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