The messgae Noah left for Calum

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Dear Calum, by the time you read this, I will be dead.

Except, I don't want to write you a letter about all the things you have done for me. I want to write something that everyone will remember.

So really,

dear everyone, by the time you read this, I will be dead.

But who are you all really?

Because you're not a name, or a height or a weight
or a gender.

Your are not an age and you are not where you are from.

You are all really your favourite books and the favourite songs stuck inside your head.

You are you thoughts and what you eat for breakfast on Saturday mornings.

You are all a thousand things but somehow everyone seems to see the millions you are not.

But I, Noah Andrews, may feel like total shit. But I'm going to fake a smile for you anyway because I would rather not talk about it.

And I, Noah Andrews, feel the worst when I'm alone. Because that's when my monsters come into my poor mind and say hello.

Because I, Noah Andrews, may look calm and normal.

But inside.

I'm a fucked up mess.

But Calum, you are this perfect person with an amazing charisma. I honestly don't know why you chose me, but promise me you will never leave.
Because maybe it was your laugh,
Or your eyes,
Or your smile,
It could have been your hair.
Or your voice,
Or your personality.
What ever it was Calum, it made me fall pretty damn hard for you.

Because I, Noah Andrews, love you so much.


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