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Hey, everyone! This is something new I thought up and I hope you all like it. This is going to be a 5SOS/Luke Hemmings fanfic.

If you like fanfics of boy bands, check out my Liam Payne fanfic, Perfect.


Say you want me, say you want me, back in your life.

I shoved the stack of books off my bed, watching as they crashed to the carpeted floor with a loud thud. The pages separated from one another and the spines scrunched as the books fell awkwardly on one another. I rolled onto my back and clasped my hands behind my head. The ceiling was a dull blue, almost gray color. Sandra liked things boring and plain and any bright color was a sin in her eyes.

The door opened and Sandra popped her head in. Sandra was in her fifties and was only fostering kids like me as a last-ditch effort to be a good person. A way of saying to God: 'Sorry I was such an awful person. Please forgive me.' It was bullshit and she knew it. "Dinner will be ready in several minutes."

I simply nodded, not wanting to waste my breath talking to her. I didn't like Sandra nor what she was doing for me. I wasn't the typical foster kid who was ungrateful for what the foster parents were doing but I didn't like Sandra. Her husband, Charles, was different. He liked watching TV and was good at math, unlike all of us kids, and he loved spending his money on ice cream for us. Sandra hated that and I often heard her chastising him for it after we all went to bed.

She left and I ran a hand through my short hair. I got to my feet and left the room, shutting the door behind me.


Dinner was the same as it always was. Sandra made some sort of fish, saying fish was healthier than chicken or beef because 'you didn't know what farmers fed the animals.' Meanwhile, fish were swimming in plastic and garbage on a daily basis.

The other kids were talking to one another about school and the activities they were involved in. I avoided the conversation, not wanting to discuss my teachers or classes or homework. I wanted a neutral conversation that didn't involve much thinking.

There were five kids in the home including me. Derek was almost eighteen. He was tall and had dark hair. There was an indent in his cheek from when his birth mother tried to stab him when he was younger. He smiled a lot and played baseball fairly well. Thiago was nine and had bright blue eyes. He had blue braces to match his Lacrosse jersey. He was just starting to play but he was dedicated to it. Maria was his younger sister who was five. She had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes to match Thiago. She was in Kindergarten and was good at getting on my nerves. Warren was fifteen, just like me. He had dark skin that matched his eyes and hair. He was quiet and stayed in his room most of the time. I suspected he was gay but never called him out on it. Sandra would surely kick him out if she found out. Then there was me. My skin was pale, I had dark hair, and I wore glasses. It wasn't a good combination. Mix in the fact that I was tall and lanky and it wasn't a good picture. I wore glasses and just had my braces taken off. I was just getting over puberty. I wasn't graced with a nice chest or a good complexion.

Derek, Warren, and Thiago knew their birth parents. They knew who they were, what they did, and were grateful for the system. Maria was too little to know anything. I knew nothing about my parents. No one told me anything and I honestly liked it better that way. If they were anything like Sandra or the other foster parents I had had over the years, they weren't that great.

A knock at the door caused the conversation to falter and Sandra got to her feet. She walked over and the conversation picked back up. It wasn't until Sandra walked back with a frown on her face that I knew something was wrong.

"Madeline, your social worker is here to talk to you."

I looked up from my plate and looked at the doorway. I couldn't see my worker in the living room but I knew she was there.

I got to my feet and walked out of the room. Rachel was sitting on the couch with a folder on her lap. She was smoothing her hair down her shoulder when I walked up to her.

"You wanted to talk to me?"

She patted the cushion beside her. "Please, have a seat."

I rolled my eyes. She didn't live there, I did. I should've been saying that, not her.

"You're probably wondering why I came to see you." Well, duh. "It seems that your birth father is requesting full custody once again. He's also requesting that this... reunification moves along rather quickly."

"My birth father?" I'd never met nor heard of my father. I didn't know who he was or why he gave me up. I didn't care to know and I didn't want to meet him now. I wanted to live my life not knowing him or my mother. It would be easier that way.

"Yes. I've scheduled a meeting for the two of you tomorrow at three pm. I can pick you up from school."

"Why so soon?"

"Well, Luke, your father, wants to meet you and he has asked that we do this quickly."

"You can do that?"

"In this case, yes. Parents who show an interest in their children tend to get pushed forward in the system. We look for happy endings when we can."

"They don't happen often?"

"It's not often that a parent wants their child back."

Did I want to be reunited with my birth father? I knew nothing about him or what he was like. I didn't know what I'd be getting myself into. But was it possible it could be better than my current situation?


Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you thought in the comments.


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