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Love is fatal. Won't you give it a chance? Center of attention. Don't you ask me any questions.


It didn't take me long to realize that I was being a bit selfish. My mother wanted to see me, to apologize for everything she'd done to me, and I was complaining about the entire thing. I understood why Luke didn't want me to go. I almost decided not to. But she was my mother and I knew I'd regret not seeing her if she passed and we never met one another.

Luke must have known I would have changed my mind. He already had a new suitcase for me, one a lot nicer than what I had when I moved in with him.

He waited for me at the door as I gathered the last of my things. I was nervous about seeing her. I was nervous about meeting my twin brother. I wasn't sure if he even knew I existed.

I handed my bags over to the driver, letting him carry them down the steps and to the car that waited. I took one last look at my bedroom before following after the man. The sooner I saw her, the sooner I could get it over with. The sooner I'd know if she even wanted me in her life.

Luke was waiting in the car, his phone held up to his ear. I knew the trip was taking him away from work and whatever he did during the day. What did he even do?

I turned to face him and waited until he locked his phone before I spoke. "What's your job?"

He glanced up at me, presumably lost in thought over the phone call he'd been having. "My job?"

"Yeah, what do you do? Like... I know you were in a band but you aren't now, are you?"

He sighed. "We never officially broke up. We just grew up and went our separate ways."

"Then why do you have an office where you do work?"

"I'm trying to convince the band to get together, actually. My office is just an extra room in the house, really."

"Just to make you feel important, right?" I asked with a grin on my face.

He rolled his eyes. "Sure. Whatever you say."

"Do you even have a recording studio where you write and make music?"

"It's down in the basement. I don't go there as much anymore."

"Why haven't you ever showed it to me?"

He shrugged. "It didn't seem very interesting."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe not to you. You've been doing this stuff for what, twenty years? I'm sure it gets old after a while."

"It can, I suppose."

I adjusted the seat belt around my neck. "Do you think I wouldn't care about that sort of thing?"

He studied me for several seconds before speaking. "I just thought you weren't into it. After all, this is the first time you've asked."

"I'm not used to any of this. All I've ever known is fighting over other kids for love and affection. And hiding away in my room."

"You won't go back to that, Maddie. I promise."

I stared at him, feeling stupid for letting the conversation get so emotional and sappy. I hadn't intended for it to but it just did. Maybe that was all I did with anyone anymore.

He leaned across the middle seat and wiped a tear off my cheek.

I let out a shaky breath and cleared my eyes of any tears, feeling so stupid for crying. "I shouldn't be crying now. I'm gonna need the tears later."

He smiled and squeezed my shoulder. "She's going to love you, Maddie."

"I hope so."

Why Won't You Love Me | 5SOS | Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now