The Beginning

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Your PoV


Okay. This is gonna be a very long story. It all started in my freshman year of high school. You see, my family wasn't well off in the beginning. My dad always enjoyed the company of beer instead of people so he would more often than not be accompanied by a beer bottle wherever he went. He used to tell me when I was sevenish, you can't always find the perfect girl, but you can always find the perfect beer. Then my mom divorced him, but then soon got back together with him because they both found an awkward new passion for the taste of newly-crafted beer. Then, I got accepted into Elper High. You see, this was exciting for numerous reasons. Well, two actually that I cared about. One; my best friend, Ella, was also excepted and she was literally my spirit animal. Okay, that sounds overly creepy, but let me just say that she is an amazing human being. She's like my older sister who's not addicted to beer to. Two; the education would get me out of the hellhole that I lived in. 

Or so I thought.

OKAY, now I really needed to explain myself. You see, before my whole life seemed to turn around, I was fully dedicated to three things. Singing/Dancing, being friends with Ella, and my education. But school sucked. I was the only poor person there. Ella's dad was a well known lawyer while her mom was well known in the arts. Her mom was the one that got me into dance, but as I said, my parents were unemployed. I got all of the food that I ate by myself. Also Ella helped me with it. We would usually go food shopping and she would insist on paying. But anyways, I was the only one who walked to school. Then Ella joined me so that was cool, but still. The 'normal' students got a limo for a way to get to school. 

Anyways, it was a normal stressful day on a warm fall day, and I was currently sitting with Ella underneath a cherry blossom tree while dozing off to some music. I think it was Ariana Grande, but I was to tired to think clearly. We did this during lunch and usually I would dance, but I was to tired to even think about what the choreography was. I couldn't help but giggle as I opened my eye to see that Ella was wrinkling her nose as she seemed to come to a realization of something. 

"You aren't dancing!" She pouted as the song changed again. I rolled my eyes as I closed them again.

"I don't know the choreo." I lied as I heard Ella scoff. 

"Liar." She groaned as we both heard the bell. We both got off of the ground. I brushed off my pants as Ella stopped playing her music. "We're walking to ice-cream after school, right?" I nodded as I fixed my beanie and smiled. 

"Have fun in math." She rolled her eyes before waving back at me.

"See you after school!" She sang and I grinned before going to gym.

*Chapter One End*





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