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Your PoV


That's when I looked up, and what I saw made me freeze even more. There were seven godly boys who were all dressed up like kings. There were thousands of cameras surrounding the area and we were in the middle of it all. The security seemed to be ready to pounce which made me ten times more nervous as I slowly backed up. A boy in the front who had huge eyes and black hair stared at me as I stumbled over air. I almost fell but Ella caught me. Ella was beyond furious. She only got this way when she thought that I was being threatened, and last time that happened someone's arm almost got decapitated. My eyes widened even more as I tugged on her arm.

"Ella, come on, let's go. We're late." I whispered to her while not looking up to the gods before us. I heard scoffs come from the boys and that made me flustered as I tugged on her arm more frantically. "El, please?!" She didn't move but instead charged forward. My efforts to keep her back were unsuccessful as I accidentally fell to the ground, my bag flying open so then the remaining things fell to the ground. 

"Do you think that you guys intimidate us?! I've hurt people like you before!" She yelled at Namjoon who was smirking, overly amused at the small blonde girl who was standing on tiptoes threatening him. The black haired boy started to move towards me but Ella stopped him. "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO MY SISTER!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes as I glared at her.

"ELLA!" I shouted and she spun around to me to see me on the ground. Her glare faltered as she froze, before running down the street. Damn it. I quickly gathered what I could, stuffed it in my backpack, and apologized to the gods before running after her. I heard them calling to me but I was to busy getting out of here. I finally got to the park only to see Ella sulking around the swings. Sighing, I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her. She flinched before sighing and leaning into my arms. 

"Sorry." She muttered. I smiled as we stayed there for a second before I cursed. 

"Well, thanks to you, I'm late for dance. Come on, leggo." She giggled and we walked to the studio.


I was getting ready for bed and as I was emptying out my backpack, my parents started arguing again. 

"YOU DIDN'T GET THE BEER?!" My mom yelled, obviously mad and struggling to cope with the sudden loss.

"YOU DIDN'T GET UNDRESSED?!" My dad yelled back, a sound of a punch against the wall was heard, before kissing sounds were on full blast. Shit. I rolled my eyes as I tried to find my phone for music. I only found headphones. Wait, what? I closed my eyes as I tried to block out the moans and began to think. I didn't leave it at school. Ella made sure of that when she scanned my locker for anything I would need. But I also didn't have it during practice and Ella's mom yelled at me, which made me break out into a fit of giggles with Ella because her mom's face turned bright red like she was about to explode.

I could've left it at the ice-cream shop because when I paid, I might've taken out my phone to get to money. But that wouldn't be possible because I place my wallet in a different place than my phone. My phones in the main pocket that spilled out when I fell. Wait, didn't I pick it up when I was about to go run after Ella? 

I dove my hand into my backpack again more frantically as the moans became louder and louder. I started to tear up as I chucked my backpack to the other side of the room, clutching my hands to my ears to block out the noise. Then it hit me.

I left my phone where those gods were at the photoshoot. 


*Chapter Three Fin*

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