Chapter 7: He's part of my master plans

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Drue met me as I made my way into the line.

"Hey, beautiful." he winked at me.

"Was that suppose to be sarcastic?!" I asked in mock pain.

"Only if you want it to be," giving me another wink

"Desperate," I stated dryly as we picked up our food and made our way to the tables.

Five minutes into sitting down, he stared at me with a bit of frustration.

"What's wrong?" he asked curiously.

"Nothing..." I lied to him as I stared down at the tray and back to him.

"Was it what happen yesterday, because if it is I'd like you too let me know," He replied sheepishly.

"No! No, it's not that."

"Then what is it?" He asked again, relief showing in his voice.

"I know something's wrong with you."

I cocked my head at his answer.

"Really? How do you know?" I chuckled

"Well for one, you hate bagels and you haven't had one bite of food." He explained as he grabbed the bagel off my tray and took a huge bite out of it.

I blinked a couple times, shocked at the fact of what he was saying was true.

"Two, you haven't said a word to me other than your unfriendly hello," He added through a mouth full of bagel (which was now half through).

"Last you came here early, which has to be a miracle from the lord himself," He laughed as he wiped his hands on his grey T-shirt.

"So now will you care to explain?" he asked one last time with a glare.

"Okay...well I want to get out of here and go find my Dad." Looking down at my now, empty tray.

"Ummmmmm, how exactly do you plan on doing this?" he questioned with a face full of shock and confusion.

"I'm not sure....right now I just want to break out of here." I said honestly.

I could tell he didn't take it well, since he just placed his elbow on the table and rested his forehead in his hands. His eyes completely shut. As he muttered to himself.

that's when I noticed the name "Ren" written on his wrist, as I tried to hold back a smile.

When he noticed my expression, he clearly read what happen. He blushed red As he swiftly put his arms to his side.

"Please come" I begged him.

"Please" tears now forming in my eyes at the thought if his rejection.

"Well of course I'm coming with you. Do you really think I'd let you go without me?" He smiled at me as I saw the kindness in his gentle gray eyes.

"THANKYOU SO MUCH!" I practically shouted to everyone in the cafeteria as I threw my arms around him from across the table. He hugged me back and then slowly let go as the P.A. interrupted us

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