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Main Characters:

Ashley: 20, Minecraft Youtuber, the bestest friends with Meadow and best friends with Lachlan and Ryan, Single but not for long ;)

Meadow: 20, Minecraft Youtuber, dating Lachlan, best friends with Ryan, bestest friends with Ashley.

Lachlan: 20, Minecraft Youtuber, dating Meadow, best friends with Ashley and Ryan.

Ryan: 20, Minecraft Youtuber, likes Ashley, best friends Ashley, Meadow and Lachlan.

Single but not forever ;)

Some other Youtubers and their girlfriends, but this is just the main characters.

So I might post the first part tonight.

Also I know they are not all 20 but it's a fanfiction so just go with it!

But leave a vote for #milkypoof.

And we need more #milkypoof stories and here so start writing.


You will always be my poofy <3Where stories live. Discover now