December 29, 2014

418 18 10

Dan stretched after sitting on Tumblr all day until 3 in the afternoon.

"Do you want to film something?"

Phil shrugged. "We've been promising a new AmazingDan video for a while."

"Yeah, probably should get on that. I'll get the sharpie"

Dan held completely still as Phil drew the cat whiskers and nose on him. His felt his eyes wander to Phil's lips as he coloured in the nose. He just wanted to cup his hands on either side of his face and...

"All done. My turn." Dan felt his hand slightly shake as he pressed the marker to Phil's face. He took a deep breath.

"Are you okay, Dan?"

"Yeah." as he filled in the tip of his nose his eyes flicked up to Phil's. His hand stilled and he felt his heart skip as he saw Phil had been looking at his eyes the whole time. A few seconds passed in silence as they observed each other's eyes. Dan felt his lips part. He swallowed and looked away.

"Uh, time for the next question."

Phil lowered his eyes. "Right." he cleared his throat and scrolled to the next tweet.

"Walruses or Dolphins?"

"Walruses," they said simultaneously. They looked at each other and laughed.

Dan put his face up to the camera as Phil read the next question. "Would you rather be stuck with your Hobbit hair for the rest of time or have to buy a new straightener every week?" Dan sucked a breath in through his teeth.

"Eh... I guess the Hobbit hair would stay because those things are expensive."

Phil laughed as Dan flipped his non-fixed hair, biting his lip and winking suggestivly. He read the next question.

"Where is Phil's most ticklish spot?" He grinned mischievously and looked at Phil, who had a terrified look on his face.

"Nooo!" Phil sat on his feet. "Don't touch me." Dan laughed and tackled Phil, tickling all over his tummy until Phil was a giggling mess.

"Ahaha stop it! No! AAH!" he squealed and squirmed. The camera was soon forgotten as Dan pinched at Phil's ribs and stomach and laughed.

Dan sat on Phil, trying to keep him still as he attempted to pin Phil's arms above his head with one hand and tickle his armpits with the other.

"Dan- Dan I can't breathe!" Phil gasped through tears of laughter. Laughing also, Dan used both hands to pin his arms instead of one so that he couldn't escape when he caught his breath.

Both of their chests heaving, Dan looked up at Phil's face, still smiling.

Slowly both of their smiles faded as their eyes flicked back and forth from each other's eyes and lips.

Dan felt himself inching lower and lower until he could feel Phil's breath on his face.

Their eyelids drooped and Dan could feel Phil's heart pounding just as fast as his was.

Should he do it? Did it even matter if he did? He couldn't think straight from the closeness.

Before he could decide if he should have or not, he found himself pressing his lips on Phil's, his eyes now completely closed.

They were just as perfect as he remembered them, soft and pliable. He ran the tip of his tongue along the inside of Phil's upper lip as he felt Phil move his no longer captive arms around his back and press him closer to him. They were now as close as Dan's arms could allow.

Dan bit Phil's lower lip and gently dragged his teeth across it. Phil moaned softly and darted his tongue in Dan's mouth.

After a few moments of this Dan slowly pulled away and opened his eyes, looking at Phil for a moment with his lips still parted.

Phil's eyes were wide as they roamed Dan's face.

Dan sat up and looked away. "Sorry..." he whispered.

Phil shook his head. "Please don't be sorry." Dan looked back at him. Phil sat up and cupped Dan's head between his hands. He sighed. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting that to happen."

Dan kept silent. Phil didn't understand. He was sorry he had done what he did to Phil. Sorry that it took him four years to recover from the publicity of that video. Sorry he had made Phil feel any less loved than what he was. Dan had kept his feelings drawn within himself for four years.

All of this he thought as he stared into Phil's eyes, face still in between his hands. Phil's eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes Dan had ever seen. He'd tried, he really had, to find the same beauty in some girl's eyes. But he never found it. Phil's eyes were... perfect.

"I think I know exactly how you feel."

"Dan..." Dan pulled Phil into a tight embrace, slightly rocking from side to side. This lasted for longer than they had ever hugged.

I still love you, Phil.

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