January 28, 2015

329 15 9

   What in the bloody hell am I getting Phil for his birthday? Dan fretted, pacing back and forth in his room at 11:47 PM.

   Phil's 28th birthday was only a day away, and Dan still had no idea what to do. Sometimes Dan hated himself for being such a procrastinator.

   Maybe he could throw him a party? No, it would be too much of a short notice and Phil was immensely awkward around a lot of people.

   Make him a birthday video? Take him on a date?

   Dan stopped pacing.

   Take him on a date?

   If he wasn't too obvious about it, maybe none of their fans would notice or say anything. But if he was going to take Phil on a date, he was going to take him someplace fancy, damn it.

   He chewed on his nails as he thought. They hadn't gone out in a long while. After they had rekindled their feelings for each other, they hadn't wanted to do anything other then be with each other at home.

   "So what the fuck am I going to do?" he said to himself out loud.

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