Ch. 44 - Are We Bonding?

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"People are going to start talking," Thea warned in her obnoxious sing-song tone.

Eve pursed her lips and folded a pair of black jeans with some extra vigor.

"Talking about what, exactly?"

"You don't want to be known as the camp bicycle..." Thea sang.

Eve whipped around and met Thea's amused grey eyes.

"Don't even finish that sentence," she warned.

Thea's wicked grin widened as she stretched back on Eve's bed, stroking her stomach.

"You really should stop guy hopping, though, in all seriousness."

Eve's hands stilled,

"How in the world am I guy hopping?"

"Really?" Thea challenged, "Maverick, then Zeke, then Zayne, and now Austin? Some even at the same time?"

Eve felt her jaw pop open in shock.

"Where exactly are you getting your information, Thea? Because nothing beyond hand-holding, one night of flirting because I was bored, a few stolen kisses, and literally NOTHING," she clapped her hands twice for emphasis, "hardly constitutes being the camp bicycle. Nobody has a had a ride, ma'am"

"I don't make the rules," Thea replied reasonably, "but I do have eyes, and so does everyone else. All the rest is probably wild imaginations filling in the blanks, but it's not a flattering picture being painted of you."

"I cannot believe I am reiterating this yet again," Eve seethed dramatically, "but I am not here for some stupid summer romance, Thea. I am getting my ducks in a row to move onto the next phase of my life. I have a huge test to pass and medical schools to apply to."

One of Thea's perfectly groomed eyebrows popped up.

"Then what the hell are you doing here?"

"I promised Auden," Eve sighed, "and working in a non-profit camp by my own volition will stand out on my applications..." she trailed off, "and why are you in my room anyway?"

"I ordered something," Thea huffed, hoisting herself off the bed to retrieve her backpack, "and I'm hoping you'll know what to do with it."

Eve continued gathering her toiletries and rolled her eyes.

"This ought to be rich."

"Don't be snarky, Eve. It's not cute."

An insult immediately formed on Eve's tongue and she had to physically bite it back. Whatever this silent, unspoken truce was they seemed to have going was fragile. Despite being exhausting, it was ultimately making her life easier. 

"What did you buy?" Eve forced out in the most pleasant tone she could muster.

A grin broke over Thea's little pixie face.

"A home doppler so I can listen to Sprout's heartbeat!"

"Sprout?" Eve echoed.

"Yeah," Thea said quietly, "that's what I've been calling the baby."

Eve took the package from her hands and began reading the box.

"Have you told Charlie?"

Thea sighed heavily.

"I'm telling him tonight. Averill is having dinner with her grandma, so Charlie already hit me up to fool around."

Eve grimaced and pursed her lips.

"How classy of him."

"Yeah, he's a real peach."

Eve opened the box and pulled out the doppler device, examining it.

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