12. Going On A Job

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Lucy's P.O.V

After we finished eating breakfast i decided i would start to save up for a house. I called them all into the living room. Some of them were sitting on the couch while some were on the floor. I smiled to them all then started talking. "So as you guys know. This apartment is way to fucking small for two mages and 5 different types of magic animals." They all nodded. "So I'm going to go on jobs till i have enough money to buy a house"

They all nodded there heads once again. "One more thing. I need to know who all wants to live with me. So stand up if your gonna live with me or something." After i said that Alexander, Bluelight, Jason, Melody, Ashlight, and Happy all stood up. I smiled knowing they were going to. I heard someone else stand up so i looked over and saw Wendy and Carla looking at me.

"FairyHills is kinda giving us a hard time." She sent me a sad smile. "I would love to live with you Wendy!" I gave her a hug. I heard shuffling beside me so i released her from the hug and looked in the direction i heard the shuffling. I saw Mira playing with her hands and looking down at the ground. "Lisanna is giving me a hard time." I hugged her also. "If it helps. I'll go along with your ships when you move with us!" She started to squeal so i took that as a yes.

Then Gray stood up. "It gets lonely living alone ya know?" I nodded my head. "Anyone else?" Gajeel and Lily stand up. "Besides Lily i have no one to talk to. But he's always eating kiwi's" Gajeel complained. Lily grinned at me and scoffed at Gajeel. Levy stood up too. "This is gonna be so much fun! It will be like were having a sleepover every day!" She started jumping up and down with Mira while holding hands.

By now everyone was standing except for Laxus. I was about to say something before he stood up to. "Sorry. I think i ate to much." All of us started to laugh while he blushed from embarrassment. "H-hey! Its not that funny.." Laxus grunted and sat back down.

We all laughed a little bit longer. I wiped a tear from my eye and told them to get ready. They all had outfits here since they stay here a lot. I smiled and sat at my desk deciding to write while i wait for all of them to finish getting ready.

I set Alexander on my lap and got my paper and pencil out. Soon after i started writing he fell asleep on my lap. I smiled and continued writing.

--Time Skip-- After they have all taken showers ;P

"Lucy! Do my hair!" Mira jumped up and down beside me. I gently stood up and put my work away. I picked up Alexander making sure not to wake him up. "Alright Mira. Does anyone else want there hair done after her?" All the girls shook there heads so i agreed.

We walked into the bathroom and Mira sat on the stool Alexander brought in earlier. I used my magic again and drew all the water out of her hair and let it splash in the sink. I softly started to brush her hair. Alexander woke up and his eyes lit up. "Mama! Can i style their hair?" I looked over at him and smiled.

"Of course my little prince" I pat his head and he smiled levitating behind Mira starting to style her hair. "Levy! I can do you hair now!" Levy came running in smiling. "Yay!" she sat down and I did the same process as before.

—Another Time Skip— After Lucy and Alex did the girls hair.

"Open gate of the maiden..Virgo!" Virgo appeared and bowed. "Punishment Princess?" I shook my head. "Could you just bring the girls some outfits?" She nodded and disappeared. I talked with the girls for a few minutes till Virgo came back.

"I got the girls some clothes. I'm sorry it took so long. Would you like to punish me?" I shook my head again. "Bye Virgo." She disappeared with a bow.

I gave the girls there outfits and they changed. All the boys were sitting on the couch (Including Alex) so after we all were ready we walked out. I have to say we looked amazing.

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