21. The Forest

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I groaned trying to push there bodies off of me while Bluelight just kept snuggling my legs and slowly making his way closer to Ashlight.

Alexander started to move a bit so I looked over at him, "mama?" He brought his hands up to his eyes and rubbed them.

"Yes Alex?" I stopped moving to look at him. "I'm hungry." I smiled as he yawned.

I looked at Alex then back to the animals laying on my legs, then back to Alex. I shifted my legs underneath the covers before swiftly moving them up into the air which resulted in them falling to the floor.

Melody's eyes shot open and she groaned. "The heck Lucy." She stood up onto her paws and shook her head a bit. I stifled a laugh and got off the bed stepping over a sleeping Jason, a glaring Bluelight, and a quiet Ashlight.

I hid the playful smirk on my face and went over to the mini kitchen area, you couldn't really make anything in here seeing as there was only a mini fridge, microwave, and counter tops.

I rubbed my chin before getting an idea. I snapped my fingers and pulled out a key. The little kitchen area soon flooded with a bright yellow light, dieing down there was a figure standing there.

"Hello princess" Virgo said in her monotoned voice. "Hey Virgo! Nice to see you!" She nodded her head and looked behind her. "Didn't you get a separate room for the animals?" She turned back to me.

I scratched the back of my neck and nodded. "They snuck in.." She nodded back and I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you go to a store and get some food? Sting and Addison still  haven't woken up and I don't want to just up and leave  incase they wake up."

She nodded her head once more and I placed a bag of jewel in her hand. "Thanks Virgo! You're the best." I gave her a warm smile and she left.

I turned back towards the beds and groaned, the animals had gotten back on my side of the bed while Alexander had fallen asleep snuggling with Bluelight. Sting and Addison were still sleeping peacefully.

I decided not to wake them and grabbed some clothes from my bag and headed into the bathroom. I stripped my clothes and turned on the shower water waiting for it to get warm.

I twirled the end of my hair while looking at my keys on the bathroom counter. When the water was finally to the temperature i liked, I stepped in and started to bathe while humming a tune.

-Time Skip-

I stepped out of the shower and put on my outfit witch consisted of a baby blue hoodie with the word 'Magic' in yellow letters. I slipped into some black leggings. I patted down my hair before brushing it softly. My hair bounced down about half way down my thighs before I was finally content with my look. I looked at the bracelet that the wolf's gave me and the color had turned to a slightly brighter blue then my hoodie.

I walked out of the bathroom and they all seemed to be awake. I smiled at them before they all got up.

-Time Skip, after Virgo got back, they ate, and now are on there way to the job site.-

We walked side by side heading into the forest. I grew weary of the situation at hand because the forest was seemingly very dark.

"Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!" In a flash he was there with his hands lit in a yellow light.

I let out a breath of relief and we began walking. The further we got into the forest, the more I started to get worried, something about this forest seemed suspicious.

There was a loud, almost inhuman like growl that sounded off further into the forest. We took off in a sprint hoping it would be the thing we were looking for.

We got to the spot we had heard the noise from and saw nothing. We all stood back to back turning in circles.

Suddenly there was a large rustling in the bushes and we were surrounded by a mixture of monsters and humans.

I narrowed my eyes at them and grabbed my whip, throwing it in the air and grabbing it.

"Let's fight."

Ok...so I have a lot of explaining to do.

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in so long!

I'm sorry once more!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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