14. Back To The Forest

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Lucy's P.O.V

"Hmm how about I teach you celestial magic? Your heart is pure and your soul is bright." I tilted my head towards my friends who were now all gathered on the second floor with me.

"Maybe you could ask them to teach you some of there magic if you don't see mine fitting though." She smiled at me and started to jump up and down. "It sounds fun! I would love to!"

I smiled at her clutching my teeth from the pain. Wendy looked exhausted from the job so I took her hands away. She looked up at me and gasped. "Wendy I'm alright now." Wendy was about to say something but yawned instead. I smiled and took out a key.

"Open gate of the eagle!" Soon the eagle was out in front of us. "I'm very sorry for calling you twice in one day." I slightly bowed. He gave me a warm smile. "It's quite all right princess."

"Could you please take Wendy to my apartment?" I whispered so nobody in the guild could hear except for him. He nodded his head and nuzzled her on his back. Then he walked out the doors his head held high.

"Lucy? Where's he taking her?" Mira asked me. I turned my head and put my finger to my lips. "It's a secret." She smiled realizing what happened then her eyes widened.

She stepped closer to me and lifted up my shirt to see the wound still dripping blood. I heard Master gasp as well as a few of my friends. I smiled at them and moved Mira's hands away. "I'll be alright. But I have a promise to keep. Jason, Melody, Alex. Addison, and Bluelight, let's go." They nodded and came to my side. "I'll meet you guys at my apartment!" I whisper/yelled to them walking out of the guild.

"Princess, where are we going?" I smiled at the wolf. "We're going to the forest of course Bluelight" All the animals tails started to wag. I laughed.

—Time Skip— At the forest.

We went through an opening in the forest and we were immediately surrounded by animals. "Princess Lucy! Your back!" They all chanted. I blushed and started to twirl my hair. "Wheres the king?" I asked.

"Well I'm right here of course. But please just call me Richard." (how original) 'Well if people keep calling me princess Lucy then ill keep calling you king richard.'  I grumbled.

"Mama, who are they?" Alex looked up at me. I kneeled down to him. "These are some nice peo..animals? That mama helped." I smiled at him and smoothed his hair back. I stood back up and immediately felt pain shoot through my body. I groaned and held my side.

"I uh, have a few questions to ask you. King Richard." He huffed at the title but looked at me worriedly. He nodded his head and led me to a village type place. I looked around in awe at all the beautiful animals. The village had beautiful twinkling lights all around the outside.

I felt something warm on both of my hands so i looked down and saw Addison and Alexander holding my hand standing on either side of me. I saw the king walking away so I held there hands and walked to him. He led us into some type of tent and had me sit down.

As soon as i sat down with Addison on my right and Alex on my left I felt relieved. While we were walking the pain was increasing. I let out a string of curse words under my breath.

I closed my eyes tightly then felt the pain slightly going away. I shot my eyes open and saw i was surrounded by white foxes with green specks all over its body. There eyes were closed and from their feet they were emiting a green glow. I looked at my wound and saw the same color of green.

"Sorry Princess Lucy, but i saw you were hurting and asked my villages healers to give you a check up." I looked up and saw King Richard coming into my view. "Its alright, thank you for the help." I looked over to see Addison staring at the foxes and me in awe.

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