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Tallulah was back at her penthouse in 3. She turned her key into the lock and opened the door gently to see her mother sitting on the couch, waiting for her. She stood up with a huge smile on her face, opening her arms for Tallulah, signaling that she wanted a hug. Tallulah smiled and walked over to her mother, accepting the hug. Her mother let out a relaxed sigh as they embraced.

"I knew this day would come, chéri," she whispered as she hugged her daughter. "and now you owe me $100."

Tallulah let out a breathless laugh. "Come on mom, I made that stupid bet with you when I was 8."

"I'm just teasing you, love." Her mother chuckled and pulled away from the hug, but she still had her hands on Tallulah's arms. "So, what's the occasion?"

"Well," Lou smiled. "I'm going to the Kiss on the Lips party."

"Oh?" her mother raised an eyebrow. "You were invited? It's been 3 years since you and Blair have spoken...or have you been speaking?"

"Oh, mother," Tallulah chuckled. "I'm crashing it. In style."

She squealed. "Oh! My little girl is growing up to be like me..."

Lou laughed again, playfully punching her mom in the arm. "Ugh...I guess so."

"You know I'm right," she smiled. "Now go get cleaned up and get ready for supper. Nadine is making a delicious German cuisine tonight."

"You mean another exotic potato salad?" Lou joked and started heading to her room with a small smile. 

"First of all, Germany isn't an exactly an "exotic" country!" Mother yelled playfully from the other room, and with that, Tallulah's door shut.

It was the morning of the Kiss on the Lips party. Lou made sure to wake up extremely early so that she could get her hair and makeup done, and most importantly; the perfect shoes to wear. Even though Tallulah Walter was never fond of dressing up, she always loved wearing the perfect pair of shoes. She'd wear high heels even if she was wearing athletic wear; she wanted to exercise in style, even if it meant blisters all over her feet the next day. Lou was never one to care about her looks or what brand she was wearing, but wearing the right shoes made her feel confident; a quality she often struggled with. But not tonight.

Tonight, everything would change. Tallulah would remind everyone of who she is, and she'd make sure she wouldn't be forgotten the next day. Her comeback had to be perfect. She wanted to show old, dear friend Blair Waldorf who was really boss. Oh, she could just imagine the face on Blair when she walked into the room! Lou smirked at the thought as she put on her favorite pair of red stiletto heels and headed out the door. 

"Bye mom!" she exclaimed and left the penthouse. She took in a deep breath as she stepped outside, and she called for a taxi. Lou smiled and got in the backseat. It only took a few minutes to get to the venue where Kiss on the Lips was being held, and Tallulah had to admit; she was nervous. She and Blair were the queens of Constance. But not anymore, and the thought of that made her feel queasy. Before she could start to feel more sick, she climbed out of the taxi and brushed off her dress. She took in a deep breath, held her shoulders back, and kept her chin up. Lou would be a queen again. 

Tallulah took yet another deep breath before she entered the venue. The music blared loudly, and people were dancing. She could practically feel everyone's body heat because of how close everyone was to each other. She made sure she had a tight grip on her clutch, and she finally decided to walk in. At first, she was irrelevant. Everyone was having too much fun to notice her, but Penelope wasn't. When Lou met gazes with Penelope, she smirked. And then she walked up to her. She had no idea what she was doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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